
Report topic: Cloud-Based Privacy-Preserving Parking Navigation

Reporter: Xiaodong Lin, Associate Professor, University of Ontario Institute ofTechnology,Canada

Time: Friday, October 21st, 9:45 -10:45 a.m.

Location: Room 313, computer building


Abstract: Finding a vacant parking space in a congested area is always time consuming and frustrating for drivers. It is common for drivers to keep circling within a parking lot for a parking space. Study shows that in crowded area, such vehicles cause an average 30% of the traffic on the road. Real-time parking information can avoid vehicles being cruising on the roads. However, when the drivers are acquiring parking information, their privacy is inevitable to be disclosed. For example, some navigation applications, offered by Google and Apple, collect drivers' locations and destinations, which may reveal sensitive information about the drivers' personal lives.

In this talk, a Cloud-based Privacy-preserving pARking Navigation system (CPARN) through vehicular communications is presented to minimize drivers’ hassle and preserve drivers' privacy. In this system, a cloud server guides drivers to vacant parking spaces close to their desired destinations without exposing the privacy of drivers, including drivers’ identities, preferences and routes. Specifically, CPARN allows drivers to query vacant parking spaces in an anonymous manner to a cloud server that maintains the parking information, and retrieve the protected navigation responses from the roadside units (RSUs) when the vehicles are passing through. CPARN has the advantage that it is unnecessary for a vehicle to keep connected with the queried roadside unit to ensure the retrievability of the navigation result, such that the navigation retrieving probability can be significantly improved. Further, an efficient encrypted data search approach based on Bloom Filter is presented to reduce response delay during the retrievability of navigation responses from RSUs, as well as save storage space at RSUs. In the end of this talk, we will show some directions in vehicular ad hoc networks that still deserve further investigations and efforts.


Personal profile: Xiaodong Lin received the PhD degree in Information Engineering from Beijing University of Posts andTelecommunications,China, and the PhD degree (with Outstanding Achievement in Graduate Studies Award) in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Waterloo, Canada. He is currently a tenured associate professor with the Faculty of Business and Information Technology, University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT),Canada.

His research interests include wireless communications and network security, computer forensics, software security, and applied cryptography. Dr. Lin serves as an Associate Editor for many international journals. He has served or is serving as a guest editor for many special issues of IEEE, Elsevier and Springer journals and as a symposium chair or track chair for IEEE/ACM conferences. He also served on many program committees. He currently serves as Chair of Communications and Information Security Technical Committee (CISTC) – IEEE Communications Society. He is a senior member of the IEEE.


ReporterProf. C.-C. Jay Kuo (UniversityofSouthern California)


Report topic1: Big Visual Data Analytics and Deep Learning

Time: Monday, October 24th, 15:00-16:15 p.m.

Location: Lecture hall ofForeignLanguagesCollege

AbstractIn the first part of this talk, I will introduce two very large image databases that are available to academic researchers. The first one is the ImageNet, which consists of 1.4 million object images. It is widely used for performance benchmarking of object classification and detection techniques. The second one is the Places database, which consists of 2.4 million scene images. It is used for performance evaluation of scene understanding algorithms. The availability of these large-scale databases enable the rapid development of the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and deep learning technology in recent years. The deep learning technology offers superior performance in many computer vision and image processing applications. In the second part of this talk, I will share our experience and shed light on its superior performance. In particular, I will present a filter theory to the understanding of CNN and the design of more effective CNN.


Report topic2: How to Mentor Young Researchers: Sharing of My Experience at USC

Time: Monday, October 24th, 16:15-17:30 p.m.

Location: Lecture hall ofForeignLanguagesCollege

Abstract:I have often encountered questions such as “How to mentor young researchers?” “How do you run a large research lab at USC?” It is actually not easy to give simple answers to these questions. Growth of young researchers depends on several factors:motivation, ambition, problem selection, research environment, guidance and feedback, writing and presentation. Furthermore, most young researchers such as MS/PhD students and post-docs pay little attention to the management issue such as time, objective, resources and teamwork management. If a graduate student can be more sensitive to his/her resource management, it is likely that he/she will graduate in a timely manner. The management skills become even more important, when a person starts to work after graduation. I received little training in management myself in the PhD program. However, during my career, I have gradually learned management skills to meet several challenges. I feel that this knowledge will be very beneficial to MS/PhD students, if they are sensitive to the need in an early stage. In this talk, I will share my own research experience at MIT and USC and my experience of running a large research lab at USC. Quite a few principles should be beneficial to students as well as faculty.


Personal profileDr. C.-C. Jay Kuo received his Ph.D. degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1987. He is now with the University of Southern California (USC) as Director of the Media Communications Laboratory and Dean’s Professor in Electrical Engineering-Systems. His research interests are in the areas of digital media processing, compression, communication and networking technologies. Dr. Kuo was the Editor-in-Chief for the IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security in 2012-2014. He was the Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation in 1997-2011, and served as Editor for 10 other international journals. Dr. Kuo has guided 136 students to their Ph.D. degrees and supervised 26 postdoctoral research fellows. He is a co-author of about 250 journal papers, 900 conference papers and 14 books. Dr. Kuo is a Fellow of AAAS, IEEE and SPIE.

Dr. Kuo received the 1992 National Science Foundation Young Investigator (NYI) Award, the 1993 National Science Foundation Presidential Faculty Fellow (PFF) Award, the 1994 USC Northrop Junior Faculty Research Award, the 2007 Okawa Foundation Research Award, the 2010 Electronic Imaging Scientist of the Year Award, the 2010-11 Fulbright-Nokia Distinguished Chair in Information and Communications Technologies, the 2011 Pan Wen-Yuan Outstanding Research Award, the 2014 USC Northrop Grumman Excellence in Teaching Award, the 2016 USC Associates Award for Excellence in Teaching, the 2016 IEEE Computer Society Taylor L. Booth Education Award, the 2016 IEEE Circuits and Systems Society John Choma Education Award, the 2016 IS&T Raymond C. Bowman Award and the 2017 IEEE Leon K. Kirchmayer Graduate Teaching Award.



Report topic: Location, Location, Distance---An Expedition between Geometry and Networks

Reporter: Jianping Pan, Professor,University of Victoria,Canada

Time: Tuesday, December 20th, 10:00-11:00 a.m.

Location: Room 313, computer building, Jiulonghu campus


Abstract: Many performance metrics in wireless networks are ultimately nonlinear functions of the distances between transmitters, receivers and interferers. For a given network coverage and a distribution of random users within the network, how to characterize the distances among these users in the same or neighbor cells or clusters becomes a challenge and a prerequisite to accurate system modeling and analysis. This talk presents some recent updates in Geometrical Probability for random distances associated with triangles and rhombuses (e.g., cell sectors with highly directional antennas), hexagons (e.g., cellular systems and ad hoc networks) and trapezoids (e.g., cell edge users) with or without a reference point, as well as arbitrary polygons, shows their wide applications in wireless communication networks, device-to-device (D2D) communications and other research areas, and compares them with some existing, state-of-the-art approximation approaches.


Personal profile: Dr Jianping Pan is currently a professor of computer science at the University of Victoria, Victoria,British Columbia,Canada. He received his Bachelor's and PhD degrees in computer science fromSoutheastUniversity,Nanjing,Jiangsu,China, and he did his postdoctoral research at theUniversityofWaterloo,Waterloo,Ontario,Canada. He also worked at Fujitsu Labs and NTT Labs. His area of specialization is computer networks and distributed systems, and his current research interests include protocols for advanced networking, performance analysis of networked systems, and applied network security. He received the IEICE Best Paper Award in 2009, the Telecommunications Advancement Foundation's Telesys Award in 2010, the WCSP 2011 Best Paper Award, the IEEE Globecom 2011 Best Paper Award, the JSPS Invitation Fellowship in 2012, the IEEE ICC 2013 Best Paper Award, and the NSERC DAS Award in 2016, and has been serving on the technical program committees of major computer communications and networking conferences including IEEE INFOCOM, ICC, Globecom, WCNC and CCNC. He is the Ad Hoc and Sensor Networking Symposium Co-Chairof IEEE Globecom 2012 and an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. He is a senior member of the ACM and a senior member of the IEEE.




Report topic: Cross-Domain Cyber-Physical Systems for Intelligent Transportation in Smart Cities

Reporter: Dr. Tian HeUniversity ofMinnesota

Time: Wednesday, January 4th, 10 a.m.

Location: conference room 313, 3rdfloor, computer building, Jiulonghu campus


Abstract: For the first time ever, we have more people living in urban areas than rural areas. Based on this inevitable urbanization, my research aims to address sustainability challenges related to urban mobility (e.g., energy consumption and traffic congestion) by data-driven applications with a Cyber-Physical-Systems approach (CPS, also known as a broader term for Internet of Things), which is a new information paradigm integrating communication, computation and control in real time. Under the context of a smart cities initiative proposed by the White House, in this talk, I will focus on CPS related to large-scale cross-domain urban systems, e.g., taxi, bus, subway, cellphone and smart payment systems. I will first show how cross-domain data from these systems can be collaboratively utilized to capture urban mobility in real time by a new technique called multi-view bounding, which addresses overfitting issues of existing mobility models driven by single-domain data. Then I will show how the captured real-time mobility can be used to design a practical service, i.e., mobility-driven ridesharing, to provide positive feedback to urban systems themselves, e.g., reducing energy consumption and traffic congestion. Finally, I will present real-world impact of my research and some future work about CPS for smart cities.


Personal profile: Dr. Tian He is currently a full professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Minnesota-Twin City. He received the Ph.D. degree from the University of Virginia, Virginia. Dr. He is the author and co-author of over 200 papers in premier network journals and conferences with over 19,000 citations (H-Index 57). Dr. He is the recipient of the NSF CAREER Award (2009), McKnight Land-Grant Chaired Professorship (2011), George W. Taylor Distinguished Research Award (2015),  China NSF Outstanding Overseas Young Researcher I and II (2012 and 2016), and five best paper awards in international conferences. Dr. He have served a few general/program chair positions in international conferences and on many program committees, and also have served as an editorial board member for six international journals including  ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks and IEEE Transactions on Computers. His research includes wireless sensor networks, cyber-physical systems, intelligent transportation systems, real-time embedded systems and distributed systems, supported by National Science Foundation, IBM, Microsoft and other agencies.



Report topic: Towards learning analytics based on cognitive modeling

Reporter: Dr Guandong Xu (UniversityofTechnologySydney)

TimeMonday, January 16th, 10:00 a.m.

Location: conference room, 4thfloor, computer building


AbstractThe wide use of computer aided educational settings boosts the research in educational data mining and learning analytics. In this talk we are going to report our recent studies on deep learning analytics based on cognitive modelling. We propose a fuzzy cognitive diagnosis model to mine the specific skill proficiency of the examinees based on their performance of objective and subjective problem. We design a Bayesian network based method to detect “slip & guess” from examinees’ responses with the obtained skill proficiency. We study the gaming-the-system behaviour in intelligent tutoring systems and develop a framework that models student learning by combining the knowledge and gaming factor based on multiple-attempt responses.


Personal profileDr Guandong Xu is an Associate Professor (Reader) at the School of Software and the Advanced Analytics Institute, University of Technology Sydney. His research interests cover Data Mining, Web Analytics, Text Mining, Recommender Systems, Social Network Analysis and Social Media Mining. His research has gained grant funding from Australian and Chinese governments, e.g., ARC and NSFC grants, and projects from industries. In last ten years, he has had over 100+ publications including TOIS, TNNLS, TIFS, TSC, Inf Sci, IJCAI, AAAI, WWW, ICDE, ICDM, and CIKM. He is the Assistant EiC of WWW Journal. He received Australian BigInsight Data Analytics Award in December 2016 due to his significant impact on Best Customer Value.



Time: Tuesday, February 28th, 10:00-12:00 a.m.

Location: conference room 413, 4thfloor, computer building, Jiulonghu campus, SEU


Report topic(一): Introduction to School of Computer Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University

Reporter: Dr Kwoh Chee Keong (NTU)


Report topic(二): Cyber-security, the Journey from Formal Methods, Program Analysis to Data Analytics

Reporter: Dr Yang Liu (NTU)


Abstract: Cyber-security is a complex system research, which requires the knowledge and understanding cross all layers of the computer architecture. In this work, I would like to share our attempts to solve security problems using various techniques. Starting from formal methods, we have applied formal modeling and reasoning to security designs and implementations on the topics related to security protocols, virtualization systems and Android apps. These efforts lead to our recent research project Securify A Compositional Approach of Building Security Verified System, which aims at building secure and verifiable systems ground-up. Security verification and building attack-free systems are very challenging tasks in view of the size and the complexity of the systems. To solve the scalability problem, we start to explore various program analysis to enhance the state-of-the-art malware and vulnerability detection, which generates encouraging results in Javascript/Android malware and binary vulnerabilities hunting. Along the way, we have collected size malware/vulnerabilities samples, which are currently used to improving security analysis, understand the security trend, attack attribution/correlation and eventually provide high-level intelligence.


Short Bio: Dr Liu Yang graduated in 2005 with a Bachelor of Computing (Honours) in the National University of Singapore (NUS). In 2010, he obtained his PhD and started his post doctoral work in NUS, MIT and SUTD. In 2011, Dr Liu is awarded the Temasek Research Fellowship at NUS to be the Principal Investigator in the area of Cyber Security. In 2012 fall, he joinedNanyangTechnologicalUniversityas a Nanyang Assistant professor. He is currently the director of the cybersecurity lab in NTU.

Dr. Liu specializes in software verification, security and software engineering. His research has bridged the gap between the theory and practical usage of formal methods and program analysis to evaluate the design and implementation of software for high assurance and security. His work led to the development of a state-of-the-art model checker, Process Analysis Toolkit (PAT). By now, he has more than 150 publications in top tier conferences and journals and is leading a research team of 30 researchers.




Report topic: Solar + Storage + IoT = $30 Trillion

Reporter: Srinivasan Keshav,UniversityofWaterloo

Time: Thursday, May 11th, 10:00-11:00a.m.

Location: Room 313, computer building, Jiulonghu campus


AbstractRecent technological advances in the areas of solar photovoltaics, Lithium-Ion-based energy storage, light emitting diodes, and the Internet of Things will substantially change the energy, electrical grid, building, and transportation sectors. Some experts estimate that these will result in economic activity of about $30 Trillion over the next two decades. In this talk, I will touch upon the recent advances in these technical areas and speculate on their economic impacts. I will also present some recent results from my research group that attempt to address these changes.


Personal profile: Professor S. Keshav received a B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering from IIT Delhi in 1986 and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from theUniversityofCalifornia, Berkeley in 1991. He was subsequently a researcher at AT&T Bell Laboratories and, from 1996 to 1999, an Associate Professor atCornellUniversity. In 1999 he left academia to co-found Ensim Corporation and GreenBorder Technologies Inc. He was an Associate Professor at theUniversityofWaterloofrom 2003 to 2008 and has been a Professor since, holding a Canada Research Chair (2004-14) and the Cisco Chair in Smart Grid (2012-17). An awardee of the Director's Gold Medal from IIT Delhi, the Sakrison Prize from UC Berkeley, two Test of Time awards from ACM SIGCOMM, and Best Paper awards at both ACM SIGCOMM and ACM MOBICOM, he is the co-director of the Information Systems and Science for Energy Laboratory, author of two graduate textbooks on computer networking, an Alfred P. Sloan Fellow, an ACM Fellow, and currently Chair of ACM SIGCOMM.



Report topic: Computational biology, mechanotransduction and autoimmune diseases

Reporter: Dr. Christine Nardini, CNR IAC Mauro Picone research institute inItaly

Time: Thursday, May 18th,10:00 -11:00 a.m.

Location: conference room 213, 2ndfloor, computer building


Abstract: With the technological revolution brought in by high-throughput biology, exact sciences have fiercely entered the realm of live sciences, with approaches supporting applications ranging from molecular biology to medicine, with the recent and particular focus on evidence-based medicine.

Over the time of this talk I will present the tools we developed with bases rooted in engineering and exact sciences (network construction, reconstruction and simulations) to approach a specific theme in medicine: degenerative diseases, a class of systemic, often autoimmune and chronic maladies, with no cure, consequent high societal costs and spreading at very fast pace worldwide.

In particular, with the design of a clinical pilot study in animals(Nardini et al. 2016) and a pilot clinical study in humans (ClinicalTrials.gov ID: NCT01619176) we explored the systemic effects of mechanical stimulations delivered in the subcutaneous tissue, thanks to the collection of heterogeneous omic data (mRNA-, 16S-rRNA-, miRNA-seq), at different histological (blood, gut-intestinal microbiome, synovial tissue, subcutaneous tissue) and temporal point (before therapy, early genes activation, after therapy).

This lead to the realization that the molecular events triggered locally have a systemic resonance, a very well understandable fact in the frame of non-linear equation and chaos theory, whose translation in medicine is however far from trivial, leading to potential extremely innovative applications in medicine, here discussed with the model disease of rheumatoid arthritis.


Personal profile: Dr.Christine Nardini ( CN ) is currently affiliated to the CNR IAC Mauro Picone inRomewhere she is expanding her research interests deepening mathematical modelling. CN followed her Master degree in biomedical engineering at theuniversityofBolognain 1999 with a 2-year placement in a biomedical company (Medtronic), working in the area of anti-arrhythmic devices. After this experience in industry, she started a Ph.D. still at theUniversityofBolognain computational biology working at omic data mining, from 2002 to 2006. In this context, she has taught students enrolled on the International Master in Bioinformatics (UniversityofBologna, IT). A time as visiting scientist at Stanford and San Diego Universities (USA) she has set the bases for a durable collaboration (now at EPFL,Switzerland) and forged her interest in translational medicine. Later, from 2006 on CN worked at the Telethon Institute for Genetics and Medicine (TIGEM) in Naples (IT) on gene network reconstruction. She then exerted as full professor and PI at the CAS-MPG PICB in Shanghai, where she continue to mentor students, from 2008 to 2014, focusing to the development of methods for multiomic integration applied to autoimmune diseases, with a particular focus on the host-microbiome interaction and inflammation, with approaches ranging from the design and coordination of animal experiments, human pilot studies, and in silico modeling and simulations.She has published academic paperson well-known journals and conferences including Science, PNAS, Bioinformatics, Scientific Reports and so on, is reviewers for a number of funding bodies including Cancer Research UK; NSFC National Science Foundation of China; NIMAD National Institute for medical research Development of Iran, and serves as editors of several journals as BMC Bioinformatics, Bionanoscience and PLoS ONE and so on.



Report topic: Fog Computing in Cyber-physical Systems and Security

Reporter: Dr. WenZhan SongUniversity of GeorgiaSchool of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Time: Thursday, May 25th, 10:30 - 11:30 a.m.

Location: conference room 2132ndfloorcomputer building, Jiulonghu campus, SEU


Abstract: In this talk, we will discuss research challenges and opportunities of Fog Computing in Cyber-physical Systems and Security and present several case studies. We will first present an innovative Real-time In-situ Seismic Imaging (RISI) system design with fog computing. It is a smart sensor network that senses and computes the 3D subsurface imaging in real-time and continuously. Instead of data collection then post processing, the mesh network performs the distributed data processing and tomographic inversion computing under the severe bandwidth and resource constraints, and generates an evolving 3D subsurface image as more data arrives. A RISI system is essentially a “Subsurface Camera” that is a groundbreaking technology and has never been attempted before. We will then discuss smart grid informatics and security research and opportunities. With the integration of advanced computing and communication technologies, Smart Grid holds the promise as the next-generation energy critical infrastructure - efficient, resilient and sustainable. To achieve that end, significant research challenges and opportunities need to be addressed. Our research spans several important topics such as security attacks and countermeasures, topology/fault identification and restoration, demand response and real-time pricing, and microgrid testbed and cooperative controls.


Personal profile: Dr. WenZhan Song is the Georgia Power Mickey A. Brown Professor of Engineering in theUniversityofGeorgia. Dr. Song's research focus on cyber-physical systems and security and its application in energy, environment and health applications, where decentralized sensing, computing, communication and security play a critical role and need a transformative study. He is a pioneer of Fog Computing and the inventor of Subsurface Camera Technology. Subsurface Camera technology is a groundbreaking technology with vast application in energy and environment applications and has never been attempted before. Dr. Song has an outstanding record of leading large multidisciplinary research projects on those issues with multi-million grant support from NSF, NASA, USGS, and industry, and his research was featured in MIT Technology Review, Network World, Scientific America, New Scientist, National Geographic, etc. Dr. Song is a recipient of NSF CAREER Award (2010), Outstanding Research Contribution Award (2012) at GSU, Chancellor Research Excellence Award (2010) at WSU. Dr. Song serves many premium conferences and journals as editor, chair or TPC member. He is also an inaugural member of OpenFog consortium involving industry and academic leaders. Dr. Song is the founder of Intelligent Dots technologies.



Report topic: Sound, Music and Wearable Computing for Rehabilitation and Learning: a Multidisciplinary Approach

Reporter: Ye Wang ,NationalUniversityofSingapore

Time: Friday,May 26th, 10:00 - 11:00a.m.

Location: conference room 413, 4thfloor, computer building, Jiulonghu campus, SEU


Abstract: The use of music as an aid for improving body and mind has received enormous attention over the last 20 years from a wide range of disciplines, including neuroscience, physical therapy, exercise science, and psychological medicine. We have attempted to transform insights gained from the scientific study of music, learning, and medicine into real-life applications that can be delivered widely, effectively, and accurately. We have been using music to enhance learning as well as to augment evidence-based medicine. In this talk, I will describe tools to facilitate the delivery of established music-enhanced therapies, harnessing the synergy of sound and music computing (SMC), wearable computing, and cloud computing technologies to promote learning and to facilitate disease prevention, diagnosis, and treatment in both developed countries and resource-poor developing countries. These tools are being developed as part of ongoing research projects that combine wearable sensors, smartphone apps, and cloud-based therapy delivery systems to facilitate music-enhanced learning and music-enhanced physical therapy. Tracing the seven-year journey of exploration from a student project to a dedicated research theme, I will share what we have learnt from the exciting yet challenging journey of multidisciplinary research. Finally, I will introduce our PhD program as well as two relevant conferences in the region to the audience (https://ismir2017.smcnus.org/; http://www.colips.org/conferences/icot2017/).


Personal profile: Ye Wang is an Associate Professor in the Computer Science Department at the National University of Singapore (NUS) and NUSGraduateSchoolfor Integrative Sciences and Engineering (NGS). He established and directed the sound and music computing (SMC) Lab (www.smcnus.org). Before joining NUS he was a member of the technical staff atNokiaResearchCenterinTampere,Finlandfor 9 years. His research interests include sound analysis and music information retrieval (MIR), wearable computing, and cloud computing, and their applications in music edutainment, e-Learning, and e-Health, as well as determining their effectiveness via subjective and objective evaluations. His most recent projects involve the design and evaluation of systems to support 1) therapeutic gait training using Rhythmic Auditory Stimulation (RAS), 2) diagnosis and assessment of Parkinson’s disease using sensor data analytics, and 3) auditory training and second language learning via speech and singing voice analysis.



Report topic: Towards the Internet of Medical Things

Time: June 5th, 2017, 14:30-15:30p.m.

Location: conference room 313, 3rdfloor, computer building, Jiulonghu campus, SEU


Abstract: The Internet of medical things promises to change the way we manage our health, shifting from reactive treatment to proactive wellness monitoring and early intervention. Fortunately, technologies in areas such as sensing, communications, data mining, privacy protection, and user interfaces, have recently made great advances. It is thus time to harvest these technologies to realize the vision of managing our own health, preferably at our own home.

In this talk, we introduce several recent studies in this general direction. First, we present HB-Phone, which is a bed-mounted sensor and can monitor a person’s heartbeats during sleep, by detecting the vibrations caused by heartbeats that are propagated through mattress. Second, we present Motion-Scale, which are mounted at bed legs and can detect body and limb motions on bed. These two sensors can continuously monitor a person’s vital signs and motions even when they are asleep. Finally, we present head-banger, a user authentication system for head-mounted smart devices, which can help protect user data privacy.


Personal profile: Yanyong Zhang is currently a Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department atRutgersUniversity. She is also a member of the Wireless Information Networks Laboratory (Winlab). She has 18 years of research experience in the areas of sensor networks, mobile computing and high-performance computing, and has published more than 90 technical papers in these fields. Her current research interests are in future Internet and pervasive computing. Her research is mainly funded by the National Science Foundation, including an NSF CAREER award.



Report topic: Data Science: Recent Developments and Future Trends

Reporter: Dr. Li ChenUniversity of theDistrict of Columbia

Time: Wednesday, June 7th, 10:00a.m.

Location: conference room, 4thfloor, computer building, Jiulonghu campus,


Abstract: Data contains science. How data is handled today is much different than the classical mathematical approach of using models to fit the data. Nowadays, people are supposed to find rules and properties within the data set and sometimes among different types of data sets.

Data science is about the study of: (1) The science of data, (2) Knowledge extraction from massive data sets (BigData) mainly using machine learning, (3) Data and data set relations, (4) BigData processing including tools such as Hadoop and Spark on cloud computing, and (5) Visualization of massive data and human–computer interaction.

In this talk, we will explain data science and its relationship to BigData, cloud computing, and data mining. We also discuss current research problems in data science and provide possible relations to the data science industry. Emphasizing the bridge between computer science and math, we will explain why data science would serve as a tremendous engine to the development of the new computing and math theories.

In this talk, we will first quick introduce some basic concepts, and then focus on data mining and machine learning methods such as kNN, k-Means, SVM, PCA, neural networks, and other popular methods. We will selectively discuss the principles of these methods in certain depth. We also introduce timely problems for study including: smart search, the dimension reduction problem, video tracking, and topological data processing.

For future research problems, we would like to discuss computing and algorithm design based on various MapReduce-based models. For applications, we provide a simple case study in image segmentation using MapReduce with detailed algorithm analysis. We will give some hands-on examples in Spark using ML library and possibly provide a short introduction to TensorFlow.


Personal profile: Dr. Li Chen is currently an Associate Professor of computer science at the University of theDistrict of Columbia. He received his BS, MS, and PhD in CS fromWuhanUniversity(1982),UtahStateUniversity(1995), and theUniversityofBedfordshire(2001), respectively.Chen has worked in both academia and industry. He was a lecturer atSouthEastUniversityandWuhanUniversityinChinabefore serving as a visiting assistant professor at the University of North Dakota, visiting associate professor at theUniversityofMaryland, and adjunct professor at Virginia Tech. In industry, he worked for companies as a senior software engineer.

Chen is an ACM Distinguished Speaker. Chen has given professional talks on various topics in many universities and colleges including theUniversityofToronto,UniversityofMaryland,GeorgeMasonUniversity,RutgersUniversity, NIH, andGeorgetownUniversity.He was a visitor of DIMACS (Rutgers-Princeton) and a Scientific Researcher in the Fields Institute at theUniversityofToronto.

Chen's research interests are broad in computer science and applied mathematics and include applied algorithm design, digital and discrete geometry, image processing, and applications to data science. Chen has published more than 65 researcher papers in journals and conference proceedings including Discrete Mathematics; Theoretical Computer Science; IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics; Information Science; the Chinese Science Bulletin; and the Chinese Journal of Computers.Chen has published a total of five books including the recently published “Digital and discrete geometry” (Springer, 2014), “Digital functions and data reconstruction (Springer, 2012), and “Mathematical problems in data science (with Su and Jiang, Springer, 2016).

Chen has received several awards including the SEAS Teaching Award(UDC, 2017), SEAS Outstanding Research Award (UDC, 2015), and the Award Research Fund of Chinese Academy of Science for Young Scientists (1987). In 2014, Chen chaired the Satellite Conference on Data Science of International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM14). He also holds aUnited Statespatent.



Report topic: MagNet: a Two-Pronged Defense against Adversarial Examples

reporter: Hao Chen, professor,UniversityofCaliforniaatDavis

Time: June 13th, 14:00 p.m.

Location: conference room 313, 3rdfloor, computer building, Jiulonghu campus, SEU


Abstract: Deep learning has shown promising results on hard perceptual problems in recent years. However, deep learning systems are found to be vulnerable to small adversarial perturbations that are nearly imperceptible to human. Such specially crafted perturbations cause deep learning systems to output incorrect decisions, with potentially disastrous consequences. These vulnerabilities hinder the deployment of deep learning systems where safety or security is important. Attempts to secure deep learning systems either target specific attacks or have been shown to be ineffective. We propose Magnet, a framework for defending neural network classifiers against adversarial examples. MagNet does not modify the protected classifier or know the process for generating adversarial examples. MagNet includes one or more separate detector networks and a reformer network. Different from previous work, MagNet learns to differentiate between normal and adversarial examples by approximating the manifold of normal examples. Since it does not rely on any process for generating adversarial examples, it has substantial generalization power. We discuss the intrinsic difficulty in defending against whitebox attack and propose a mechanism to defend against graybox attack. We show empirically that MagNet is effective against most advanced state-of-the-art attacks in blackbox and graybox scenarios while keeping false positive rate on normal examples very low. This is a joint work with Dongyu Meng.


Personal profile: Hao Chen is a professor at the Department of Computer Science at theUniversityofCalifornia,Davis. He received his PhD at the Computer Science Division at theUniversityofCalifornia,Berkeley, and his BS and MS fromSoutheastUniversity. His current research interests are computer security, machine learning, and program analysis. He won the National Science Foundation CAREER award in 2007, and UC Davis College of Engineering Faculty Award in 2010.



Report topic1: Bilingual Dictionary Induction for Low-Resourced Languages
Reporter:Yohei Murakami
Kyoto university

Time: Friday, June 23th, 9:00-9:30a.m.

Location: conference room, 4thfloor, computer building, Jiulonghu campus

Personal profile: Yohei Murakami is an associate professor of Unit of Design, Center for the Promotion of Interdisciplinary Education and Research,Kyoto University,Japan. He currently leads the research and development of the Language Grid, the purpose of which is to share various language resources as Web services and enable users to create new services. He received the Achievement Award of theInstituteofElectronics, Information and Communication Engineers for this work in 2013. His research interests lie in services computing and multiagent systems. He founded the Technical Committee on Services Computing in theInstituteofElectronics, information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) in 2012. He received his Ph.D. degree in informatics fromKyotoUniversityin 2006.


Report topic2: Research of Services Computing with the Language Grid

Reporter: Donghui LinKyoto university

Time: Friday, June 23th, 9:30-10:00 a.m.

Location: conference room, 4thfloor, computer building, Jiulonghu campus,

Personal profile: Donghui Lin holds a Ph.D. in Informatics from Department of Social Informatics of Kyoto University, Japan, and a M.E. degree from Department of Computer Science and Engineering of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China. He was a researcher of National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT),Japanduring 2008 to 2011. Currently he is an assistant professor in Department of Social Informatics,KyotoUniversity. His research interests include services computing, intercultural collaboration, artificial intelligence, and services science.


Report topic3: Interdisciplinary Education for Design Innovation

Reporter: Toru IshidaKyoto university

Time: Friday, June 23th, 10:00-10:30a.m.

Location: conference room, 4thfloor, computer building, Jiulonghu campus,

Personal profile: Toru Ishida has been a professor ofKyotoUniversitysince 1993. His research interest lies with autonomous agents and multiagent systems, and he has been working on this theme for more than twenty years. He has been working on action researches including Digital City Kyoto, Intercultural Collaboration Experiments, and Language Grid. He started a project on Digital City Kyoto in 1988. The portal site was opened until 2001. He initiated an Intercultural Collaboration Experiments (ICE) with Chinese, Korean, Malaysian colleagues in 2002, a year after 9.11. In 2006, He began a project to create a language service infrastructure on the Internet. Since 2007, the Language Grid has been operated by Department of Social Informatics,KyotoUniversity. So far, 170 groups from 22 countries join the Language Grid to share more than 220 language services. He createdKyotoUniversityDesignSchoolwith his colleagues in Informatics, Architecture, Mechanical Engineering, Management and Psychology. The school started in April 2013.


Report topic: Sketching Big Network Data

Reporter: Dr. Shigang Chen, IEEE Fellow,UniversityofFlorida

Time: August 8th, 2017, 10:00 a.m.

Location: conference room 213, computer building, Jiulonghu campus, SEU


Abstract: The Internet has moved into the era of big network data. It presents both opportunities and technical challenges for traffic measurement functions, which have important applications in intrusion detection, resource management, billing and capacity planning, as well as big data analytics. Due to the practical need of processing network data in high volume and at high speed, past research has strived to reduce the memory and processing overhead when measuring a large number of flows. One important thread of research in this area is based on sketches. Each sketch requires multiple bits and many sketches are needed for each flow, which results in significant space overhead. In this talk, we present a new branch of virtual sketches research that summarizes big network data into extraordinarily small size. The new methods compress big data into a space of less than 1 bit per flow. Yet they allow extraction of per-flow statistics from such a small summary with good accuracy. We also show how this virtual-sketch research can be extended along space/time/function/application dimensions.


Personal profile: Dr. Shigang Chen (sgchen@cise.ufl.edu) is a professor with Department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering atUniversityofFlorida. He received his B.S. degree in computer science fromUniversityofScienceand Technology of China in 1993. He received M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science fromUniversityofIllinoisat Urbana-Champaign in 1996 and 1999, respectively. After graduation, he had worked with Cisco Systems for three years before joiningUniversityofFloridain 2002. He served as CTO for Chance Media Inc. during 2012-2014. His research interests include computer networks, Internet security, wireless communications, and distributed computing. He published more than 190 peer-reviewed journal/conference papers. He received IEEE Communications Society Best Tutorial Paper Award and NSF CAREER Award. He holds 12USpatents. He served as an editor for IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking and a number of other journals. He served in various chair positions or as committee members for numerous conferences. He holdsUniversityofFlorida Research Foundation ProfessorshipandUniversityofFlorida Term Professorshipin 2017-2020. He is a Fellow of IEEE, and ACM Distinguished Scientist, and a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE Communication Society.



Report topic: Detecting Perspectives in Political Debates
Reporter: Dr. Yulan He,Aston University,UK
Time: Monday, August 7th, 2
Location: conference room, 2ndfloor, computer building

: In this talk, I will present our recent work in exploring how to detect people’s perspectives that occupy a certain proposition. We propose a Bayesian modeling approach where topics (or propositions) and their associated perspectives (or viewpoints) are modeled as latent variables. Words associated with topics or perspectives follow different generative routes. Based on the extracted perspectives, we can extract the top associated sentences from text to generate a succinct summary which allows a quick glimpse of the main viewpoints in a document. The model is evaluated on debates from the House of Commons of the UK Parliament, revealing perspectives from the debates without the use of labelled data and obtaining better results than previous related solutions under a variety of evaluations.

Personal profile: Yulan He is a Reader and Director of the Systems Analytics Research Institute atAston University,UK. She obtained her PhD degree in Spoken Language Understanding in 2004 from the University of Cambridge, UK. Prior joining Aston, she was a Senior Lecturer at the Open University, Lecturer at theUniversityofExeter, and Lecturer at theUniversityofReading. Her current research interests lie in the integration of machine learning and natural language processing for text mining and social media analysis. Yulan has published over 140 papers with most appeared in high impact journals and at top conferences such as IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Intelligent Systems, KDD, CIKM, ACL, EMNLP, etc. She has led more than 12 research projects fromUKresearch councils, EU, InnovateUKand Royal Academy of Engineering. She served as an Area Chair in NAACL 2016, EMNLP 2015, CCL 2015 and NLPCC 2015 and co-organized ECIR 2010 and IAPR 2007. She is a member of thePeerReviewCollegeat the Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC),UK, and has served as a reviewer for the Economics and Social Science Research Council (ESRC), Royal Society of theUKand Czech Science Foundation.



Report topic: Network Inference in Online Social Networks

Time: Wednesday, August 30th, 10:00-11:00a.m.

Location: room 213, computer building, Jiulonghu campus, SEU


Abstract: Online social networks represent a fundamental medium for the spreading and diffusion of various information where the actions of certain users increase the susceptibility of other users to the same; this results in the successive spread of information from a small set of initial users to a much larger set. Examples include the spread of malicious rumors and Internet hoax. It is important to root out the source and have timely quarantine in order to enhance the network cyber security. This talk will focus on the mathematical theories and algorithms of network inference in online social networks to rooting out malicious rumor sources by leveraging ideas in combinatorics, probability theory and graph theory. We conclude the talk with insights on putting the theory into practice in online social network software development.


Personal profile: Dr. Chee Wei Tan is an Associate Professor at the City University of Hong Kong. He received his M.A. and Ph.D. degree fromPrincetonUniversity. Dr. Tan was the recipient of the Princeton University Gordon Wu Prize for Excellence in 2008 and was twice selected to participate at the USA National Academy of Engineering China-America Frontiers of Engineering Symposium. His research interests include networks, statistical inference in data analytics, cyber-security, information theory, optimization theory and its applications. He serves as an Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Communications and an Editor of the IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking.



Report topic: The Rise of Augmented Intelligence in Edge Networks

Time: Tuesday, August 29th,2017, 9:45-10:45a.m.

Location: Room 313, computer building, Jiulonghu campus, SEU


Abstract: Edge networks have been historically serving as the ordinary data pipe as part of the Internet, but recently are expected to play increasingly critical roles for benefiting mobile/IoT applications in terms of lower the response time and energy consumption due to its proximity to the end devices. In this talk, we present two systems which coin this vision and demonstrate the potentials and benefits of the augmented intelligence when deployed at the network edge. The first system is called PassiveVLC, which is based on the idea of modulating the light retroreflection with a commercial LCD shutter to realize a passive optical transmitter and thus visible light backscatter communication. PassiveVLC system enables a battery-free tag device to perform passive communication with the illuminating LEDs over the same light carrier, is flexible with tag orientation, robust to ambient lighting conditions, and can achieve up to 1 kbps uplink speed. The second system, SoftStage, is a client-edge cooperative middleware that effectively leverages and manages in-network caching and services to perform reactive content staging to improve vehicular content delivery 1.5~10x without any assumption about the client mobility pattern.


Personal profile: Dr. Chenren Xu received his Ph.D. fromRutgersUniversity, and his B.E. fromShanghaiUniversity. He has held postdoctoral and visiting positions atCarnegieMellonUniversityand AT&T Labs. He is the recipient of Gold Medal of Samsung Best Paper Award, Best Paper Nominee Award of ACM UbiComp’14 and Best Poster Award of ACM SenSys’11. His research interests focus on wireless networking from the system perspective, including high mobility data networking for high-speed train/vehicle, low-power visible light communication for IoT/M2M and affective computing for health/expressiveness monitoring.





发布日期:2016-4-12     发布者:刘肖凡浏览次数:406

报告题目:How does Facebook grow? Do user populations of Twitter, LinkedIn, and other products and services grow in the same way? — A Universal Growth Equation from a Network Perspective







The growth of the user population of a newly launched product or service is often considered as being controlled by multiple factors like deployment of appropriate business strategy, quality of the product, market readiness, and luck! Recent research in network science has provided convenient access to the construction of models that can describe collective human behaviour. Here, we develop a model, based on construction of a networked community and two fundamental behaviour of decision making, that can universally describe the growth of the user population of any newly launched product or service. This model leads to a universal growth equation that describes dynamically the size of the user population in terms of the prospective market size and the extents of peer influence and personal choice. We analyse 22 sets of real-world historical growth data of a variety of products and services, and show that they all follow the universal growth equation. The numerical procedure for finding the model parameters allows the market size, and the relative effectiveness of customer service and promotional efforts to be estimated from the available historical growth data. This model can be extended to a variety of practical growth applications. At the end of the talk we will present how the growth of a professor's publication over time can be modelled.



 Michael Tse graduated with BEng(Hons) and PhD degrees fromMelbourneUniversityin 1987 and 1991. He is presently Chair Professor of Electronic Engineering atHong KongPolytechnicUniversity, where he served as Head of Electronic Engineering from 2005 to 2012 and on the University Council from 2013-2015. His research focuses include power electronics, nonlinear systems, communications and recently complex network applications. He is the author of 10 books and over 300 technical papers. He was recipient of a few Best Paper Prizes from IEEE and other journals, as well as two Gold Medals in the International Inventions Exhibition inGeneva. In 2005 and 2010, he was appointed as IEEE Distinguished Lecturer. In 2006 he chaired the IEEE CAS Technical Committee on Nonlinear Circuits and Systems. He serves and has served as Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine and IEEE Circuits and Systems Newsletter; as Editor of IJCTA and associate editor of a few other IEEE journals. He serves on a number of IEEE committees including the IEEE Fellow Committee and the IEEE Awards Committee. He has been appointed to honorary professorship and distinguished fellowship by a few Australian, Canadian and Chinese universities, including the Chang Jiang Scholar Chair inChina. He is currently serving on panels of Hong Kong Research Grants Council, Innovation Technology Fund and National Science Foundation of China. Back in his own university, he chairs the culture and art committee which organises over 100 events in visual art, theatre and music with public participation. He is an IEEE Fellow and an IEAust Fellow.













发布日期:2016-5-27     发布者:刘肖凡浏览次数:811


报告题目:Automatic Fixing of Programs with Contracts
摘要:Debugging---the activity of finding and correcting errors in programs---is so everyday in every programmer's job that any improvement at automating even parts of it has the potential for a significant impact on productivity and software quality. While automation remains formidably difficult in general, the last few years have seen the first successful attempts at automatically generating fixes to errors in some situations.
In this talk, I will present techniques and a supporting tool, collectively referred to as AutoFix, that programmers can use to automatically fix errors in object-oriented programs with contracts (a.k.a. assertions). AutoFix takes a group of passing and failing test cases as input, with the failing ones revealing the fault to fix; it then analyzes the execution of the input tests, generates candidate fixes to the fault, validates the candidate fixes against a regression test suite, and ranks the valid fixes by preference before reporting them to the user. In the experiments conducted to evaluate AutoFix, it generated fixes that are genuine corrections of quality comparable to those competent programmers would write to 25% of the subject faults. AutoFix is integrated into the EiffelStudio IDE and functions like a recommendation system that is capable of automatically finding bugs and suggesting fixes in the form of source-code patches.
个人简介:Dr.YuPeiis now an assistant professor at the Department of Computing in The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.Dr.Peireceived his B.S. degree in Computer Science in 1999 and his first PhD degree in Engineering Science in 2004, both fromNanjingUniversity. From 2004 to 2009, he was an assistant professor at the Faculty of Information Technology, Macau University of Science and Technology. In 2015, he obtained his second PhD in Computer Science from ETHZurich,Switzerland.Dr.Pei's primary research goals are aimed at facilitating the production of high quality software systems in the real world. His future research plans are directed towards advancing the techniques to automatically test and repair software systems developed in mainstream programming languages and providing tool support for their practical application.

计算机网络和信息集成教育部重点实验室学术报告(Prof. Xiaoming Fu,德国哥廷根大学)

发布日期:2016-6-16     发布者:刘肖凡浏览次数:443




题目:Architecture, applications and experimentation for green information-centric networking


摘要:Information Centric Networking (ICN) is a new paradigm where the network provides users with named content, instead of communication channels between hosts. There are still a couple of open issues on ICN including naming, routing, resource control, security, privacy and a migration path from the current Internet. Also missing for efficient information dissemination is seamless support of content-based publish/subscribe. Further, and importantly, current proposals do not sufficiently address energy efficiency. This talk presents the work conducted within the EU-Japan FP7 GreenICN project which aimed to bridge this gap, addressing how the ICN network and devices can operate in a highly scalable and energy-efficient way, with disaster notification and video delivery as key applications. I will also briefly introduce our upcoming efforts on EU-Japan H2020 ICN2020 project, where we study on how ICN could be used for innovative applications such as multimedia, social networking and Internet of Things.


个人简介:Xiaoming Fu received his Ph.D. in Computer Science fromTsinghua University,Chinain 2000. He then joinedTechnical UniversityBerlin,Germanyas member of scientific staff. Since 2002 he has been teaching at theUniversityofGöttingen, where he has been a full professor of computer science and head of the Computer Networks Group since 2007. He has spent research visits at universities ofCambridge,Columbia, UCLA, Tsinghua,Nanjing,Uppsalaand UPMC (Paris 6), and is an IEEE senior member and IEEE Distinguished Lecturer. His research interests include Internet-based systems, applications and social computing. He is currently an editorial board member of IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Elsevier Computer Networks, and Computer Communications, and has served as chair or member of organization/program committees of leading conferences such as INFOCOM, ICNP, ICDCS, MOBICOM, MOBIHOC, CoNEXT, ANCS, ICN, and COSN. During 2010-2012, he served as Vice Chair of the Technical Committee on Computer Communications (TCCC) of IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc), and during 2011-2013 as Chair of the Internet Technical Committee, the joint committee of the IEEE ComSoc and Internet Society (ISOC). He is the coordinator of the EU FP7 GreenICN, CleanSky and MobileCloud projects and EU H2020 ICN2020 project.





























计算机网络和信息集成教育部重点实验室学术报告(Ye Wang博士,新加坡国立大学)

发布日期:2016-6-20     发布者:刘肖凡浏览次数:306




题目:Neuroscience-informed sound, music, and wearable computing for rehabilitation and learning

报告人:Ye Wang, National University of Singapore


摘要:The use of music as an aid in improving body and mind has received enormous attention over the last 20 years from a wide range of disciplines, including neuroscience, physical therapy, exercise science, and psychological medicine. We have attempted to transform insights gained from the scientific study of music, learning, and medicine into real-life applications that can be delivered widely, effectively, and accurately. We have been using music to enhance learning as well as to augment evidence-based medicine. In this talk, I will describe tools to facilitate the delivery of established music-enhanced therapies, harnessing the synergy of sound and music computing (SMC), mobile computing, and cloud computing technologies to promote learning and to facilitate disease prevention, diagnosis, and treatment in both developed countries and resource-poor developing countries. These tools are being developed as part of ongoing research projects that combine wearable sensors, smartphone apps, and cloud-based therapy delivery systems to facilitate music-enhanced learning and music-enhanced physical therapy. I will also discuss the joys and pains working in such a multidisciplinary environment.


报告人简介:Ye Wang is an Associate Professor in the Computer Science Department at the National University of Singapore (NUS) and NUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences and Engineering (NGS). He established and directed the sound and music computing (SMC) Lab (www.smcnus.org). Before joining NUS he was a member of the technical staff atNokiaResearchCenterinTampere,Finlandfor 9 years. His research interests include sound analysis and music information retrieval (MIR), mobile computing, and cloud computing, and their applications in music edutainment , e-Learning, and e-Health, as well as determining their effectiveness via subjective and objective evaluations. His most recent projects involve the design and evaluation of systems to support 1) therapeutic gait training using Rhythmic Auditory Stimulation (RAS), 2) second language learning, and 3) motivating exercise via music-based systems.


































计算机网络和信息集成教育部重点实验室学术报告(George Baryannis博士,Huddersfield大学)

发布日期:2016-6-21     发布者:刘肖凡浏览次数:328




题目: Rule-based Real-Time Activity Recognition in a Smart Home Environment

报告人:Dr George BaryannisPostdoctoral Researcher, University of Huddersfield

摘要:Emerging complex smart environments are characterized by the presence of a number of interconnected sensors and devices, forming the so-called Internet of Things. In such environments various activities by human, digital or robotic actors take place. Research on Activity Recognition (AR) has typically followed two complementary directions: data-driven approaches, exploiting machine learning techniques, and knowledge-driven approaches, leveraging logical modelling and reasoning. This talk focuses on the latter category, presenting a rule-based approach for both offline and real-time recognition of so-called Activities of Daily Living (ADL), relying on events produced by a non-intrusive multi-modal sensor infrastructure deployed in a residential environment, as part of the SPHERE project. Novel aspects of the approach include: the ability to recognise arbitrary scenarios of complex activities using bottom-up multi-level reasoning, starting from sensor events at the lowest level; an effective heuristics-based method for distinguishing between actual and ghost images in video data; and a highly accurate indoor localisation approach that fuses different sources of location information. The proposed approach is implemented as a rule-based system using the Jess rule engine and is evaluated using data collected in a smart home environment of the SPHERE project. Experimental results show high levels of accuracy and performance, proving the effectiveness of the approach in real world setups.


报告人简介:Dr. George Baryannis received his Dipl.Eng. in Electronic and Computer Engineering from the TechnicalUniversity of Crete,Greeceand his M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University ofCrete,Greece. He is currently a postdoctoral research assistant at theUniversityofHuddersfieldin theUnited Kingdom. His research interests include: Service-Oriented Computing; Semantic Web and knowledge representation and reasoning; Internet of Things; Cloud Computing. He is an IEEE and IEEE Computer Society Member.


计算机网络和信息集成教育部重点实验室学术报告(Prof. Haibin Zhu, Nipissing University, Canada

发布日期:2016-6-27     发布者:刘肖凡浏览次数:448




题目:Role-Based Collaboration and the E-CARGO Model: A Decade Review: 2006-2016


摘要:Role-Based Collaboration (RBC) has emerged into a discovery methodology from a computational methodology with continuous research effort in the past decade. RBC uses roles as the primary underlying mechanism to facilitate collaboration activities. It consists of a set of concepts, principles, models, and algorithms. RBC imposes challenges and benefits not discovered in traditional methodologies and systems. Related research has brought and will bring in exciting improvements to the development, evaluation, management, and execution of computer-based systems including service, cloud, production, and administration systems.

In this talk, we examine the requirement of research on collaboration systems and technologies, briefly discuss RBC and its model Environments - Classes, Agents, Roles, Groups, and Objects (E-CARGO); review the related research achievements on RBC in the past decade; discuss those problems that have not yet been solved satisfactorily; present the fundamental methods to discover related problems with RBC and E-CARGO; and analyze the connections between other fields and RBC.


个人简介:Dr. Haibin Zhu is a Full Professor and the coordinator of the Computer Science Program, Founding Director of Collaborative Systems Laboratory,Nipissing University,Canada. He has published 150+ research papers, four books and two book chapters. He is a senior member of IEEE and is serving and served as co-chair of the technical committee of Distributed Intelligent Systems of IEEE SMC Society, associate editor of IEEE SMC Magazine and Intl Journal of Agent Technologies and Systems, guest (co-) editor for 3 special issues of prestigious journals, and organization chairs for many conferences and workshops. He was a Program Committee (PC) Chair for 17th IEEE Intl Conf. on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, Whistler, BC,Canada, June 27- 29, 2013. He also served as PC members for 60+ academic conferences. He is the founding researcher of Role-Based Collaboration and Adaptive Collaboration.

He is the receipt of the chancellors award for excellence in research (2011) and two research achievement awards from Nipissing University (2006-2007, 2012-2013), the IBM Eclipse Innovation Grant Awards(2004, 2005), the Best Paper Award from the 11th ISPE Intl Conf. on Concurrent Engineering (ISPE/CE2004), the Educators Fellowship of OOPSLA03, a 2nd class National Award for Education Achievement(1997), and three 1st Class Ministerial Research Achievement Awards from China (1997, 1994, and 1991).

His research interests include Collaboration Theory, Technologies, Systems, and Applications (Role-Based Collaboration and Adaptive Collaboration), Human-Machine Systems, CSCW (Computer-Supported Cooperative Work), Multi-Agent Systems, Software Engineering, and Distributed Intelligent Systems.




















计算机网络和信息集成教育部重点实验室学术报告(Prof. Yao Liu, U South Florida

发布日期:2016-6-29     发布者:刘肖凡浏览次数:529

时间: 71日周五上午10:00



报告题目: Wireless Physical Layer Security


报告人: Prof.YaoLiu,University of SouthFlorida


报告摘要: In wireless networks, location distinction aims to detect location changes or facilitate authentication of wireless users. To achieve location distinction, recent research has been focused on investigating the spatial uncorrelation property of wireless channels. Specifically, the differences of wireless channel characteristics are used to distinguish locations or identify location changes. However, my students and I discover a new attack against all existing location distinction approaches that are built on the spatial uncorrelation property of wireless channels. In such an attack, the adversary can easily hide her location changes or impersonate movements by injecting fake wireless channel characteristics into a target receiver. To defend against this attack, we propose a detection technique that utilizes an auxiliary receiver or antenna to identify these fake channel characteristics. In this talk, I will introduce the unrevealed attacks and discuss the defense methods.


个人简介: Dr. Yao Liu is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering,University of SouthFlorida. She received her Ph.D in Computer Science fromNorth CarolinaStateUniversityin 2012. Dr. Liu's research is related to computer and network security, with an emphasis on designing and implementing defense approaches that protect emerging wireless technologies from being undermined by adversaries. Her research interest also lies in the security of cyber-physical systems, especially in smart grid security. Dr. Liu's research work has appeared in premier journals and conferences including IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, ACM Transactions on Information and Systems Security, IEEE S&P, ACM CCS, MobiCom, and IEEE INFOCOM. She is a recipient of 2016 National Science Foundation CAREER Award.

































计算机网络和信息集成教育部重点实验室学术报告(林志强博士,UT Dallas

发布日期:2016-7-20     发布者:刘肖凡浏览次数:457

报告题目:No CAPTCHA? No Tracking? Automatic Brute Forcing ofMobileService Password

报告人:林志强博士,UT Dallas





报告摘要: Most mobile apps today require access to remote services, and many of them also require users to be authenticated in order to use their services. While most apps do use cryptographic mechanisms such as encryption (e.g., HTTPS), hashing (e.g., MD5, SHA1), and signing (e.g., HMAC) to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of the network messages including in password authentication, they do not use other mechanisms such as CAPTCHA to stop adversaries keeping guessing password (part of the reason because CAPTCHA hurts the mobile user's experience), nor counting how many failed password attempts for a given user within a short period of time.

Therefore, many mobile services are vulnerable to password brute forcing attack. A straightforward approach to brute force a password might just use a robot (e.g., a GUI fuzzer) to keep mutating the password field in the GUI interface of an app, and then observe whether a successful/failure login interface pops up. However, such an approach is neither scalable nor generic (e.g., different apps can have different successful/failure login interface). Therefore, in this talk, Dr. Lin will talk about a generic and scalable approach to brute-force mobile user's mobile service password (by using automatic protocol reverse engineering and program analysis techniques such as slicing and API replay).

More specifically, he will talk about AutoForge, a system that can automatically forge valid request messages from the client side to test whether the server side of an app has ensured the password security of user accounts with sufficient checks. To enable the security testing, a fundamental challenge lies in how to forge a valid cryptographically consistent message (e.g., with a mutated password but valid MD5 or HMAC) such that it can still be consumed by the server. This challenge has been addressed with a set of automatic protocol reverse engineering and program analysis techniques. AutoForge has been tested with 76 mobile services (each of which has over 1,000,000 installs). Surprisingly, the experimental results show that 65 (86%) of the mobile app servers including CNN, Expedia, iHeartRadio, and Walmart are vulnerable to password brute-forcing attacks. 


个人简介:Dr. Zhiqiang Lin is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at The University of Texas atDallas. He earned his PhD from Computer Science Department atPurdueUniversityin 2011. His primary research interests are systems and software security, with an emphasis of developing program analysis techniques and applying them to secure both application programs including mobile apps and the underlying operating systems. Dr. Lin is a recipient of the NSF CAREER Award and the AFOSR Young Investigator Award.




















计算机网络和信息集成教育部重点实验室学术报告(张令明博士,University of Texas at Dallas

发布日期:2016-8-5     发布者:刘肖凡浏览次数:407

报告题目:Predictive Mutation Testing




报告摘要:Mutation testing is a powerful methodology for evaluating test suite quality. In mutation testing, a large number of mutants are generated and executed against the test suite to check the ratio of killed mutants. Therefore, mutation testing is widely believed to be a computationally expensive technique. To alleviate the efficiency concern of mutation testing, this talk introduces predictive mutation testing (PMT), the first approach to predicting mutation testing results without mutant execution. In particular, the proposed approach constructs a classification model based on a series of features related to mutants and tests, and uses the classification model to predict whether a mutant is killed or survived without executing it. PMT has been evaluated on 163 real-world projects under two application scenarios (i.e., cross-version and cross-project). The experimental results demonstrate that PMT improves the efficiency of mutation testing by up to 151.4X while only incurring a small accuracy loss on mutant execution result prediction, indicating a good tradeoff between efficiency and effectiveness of mutation testing.


个人简介:Dr. Lingming Zhang(张令明) is an assistant professor in the Computer Science Department at the University of Texas at Dallas. He obtained his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in theUniversityofTexasatAustinin May 2014.  He received his MS degree and BS degree in Computer Science fromPekingUniversity(2010) andNanjingUniversity(2007), respectively. His research interests lie broadly in software engineering and programming languages, including automated program analysis, testing, debugging, and verification, as well as software evolution and mobile computing. He has authored over 30 papers in premier software engineering or programming language transactions and conferences, including ICSE, FSE, ISSTA, ASE, POPL, OOPSLA, TSE and TOSEM. He has also served on the program committee or artifact evaluation committee for various international conferences (including ASE, ICST, ICSM, ISSRE, COMPSAC, QRS, OOPSLA, and ISSTA). His research is being supported by NSF and Google.






















发布日期:2015-4-17     发布者:刘肖凡浏览次数:440

报告题目:A Personal Experience of Academia and Industry Research





报告摘要:With diverse education background in different disciplines and countries, and work experience in both academia and industry research labs in different countries, I hope I can share some of my own experience, as well as what I observed and learned from others, with young faculty members and grad students, for a smoother and more successful navigation of visit, study, and work at the University of Victoria and hopefully elsewhere too, on questions that I am still looking for answers as well (e.g., how to start, continue and further research pipelines, how to write, publish and present research outcomes, how to interact with students and collaborators,how to attract government and industry funding, etc). I also like to hear from the audience on their research activities and experience and learn from them too, so if anyone has any questions and wish to be addressed in an anonymous way during the talk, please drop me an email in advance.


报告人简介:Dr Jianping Pan iscurrently a professor of computer science at the University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. He received his Bachelor's and PhD degrees in computer science from Southeast University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, and he did his postdoctoral research at the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. He also worked at Fujitsu Labs and NTT Labs. His area of specialization is computer networks and distributed systems, and his current research interests include protocols for advanced networking, performance analysis of networked systems, and applied network security. He received the IEICE Best Paper Award in 2009, the Telecommunications Advancement Foundation's Telesys Award in 2010, the WCSP 2011 Best Paper Award, the IEEE Globecom 2011 Best Paper Award, the JSPS Invitation Fellowship in 2012, and the IEEE ICC 2013 Best Paper Award, and has been serving on the technical program committees of major computer communications and networking conferences including IEEE INFOCOM, ICC, Globecom, WCNC and CCNC. He is the Ad Hoc and Senor Networking Symposium Co-Chair of IEEE Globecom 2012 and an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. He is a senior member of the ACM and a senior member of the IEEE.





发布日期:2015-6-23     发布者:刘肖凡浏览次数:443

应罗军舟教授的邀请,UMASS Lowell的付新文教授将访问我院并作学术报告。


题目: How to Classify Crimes and Investigations and A New Crime

演讲人:付新文副教授University of Massachusetts Lowell





The Internet has become the primary battlefield of the cyber war and the prevalent environment of cybercrimes. We want to understand cybercrime in order to predict them, prevent them, detect them and respond to them. It is also critical to understand state-of-art cyber crime investigation to educate a quality cyber operation workforce. In this talk, we introduce our models to this end. We model cybercrimes as a combination of three basic crime strategies and cybercrime investigations as computerized techniques and traditional forensic technique. We also build a web based cybercrime and investigation database for easy search of cases of interest. To demonstrate the threats from cybercrimes, we also introduce a new type of cybercrime, the n-gram language model based attacks that  are able to recognize text inputs such as emails on touch-enabled devices, and raise mobile security and privacy awareness.



Dr. Xinwen Fu is an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science,UniversityofMassachusetts Lowell. He received B.S. (1995) and M.S. (1998) in Electrical Engineering from Xi'an Jiaotong University, China andUniversityofScienceand technology ofChinarespectively. He obtained Ph.D. (2005) in Computer Engineering fromTexasA&MUniversity. Dr. Fu's current research interests are in computer security and privacy. He has been publishing papers in conferences such as IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P), ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MobiHoc), journals such as ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking (ToN), IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC), and IEEE Transaction on Mobile Computing (TMC), book and book chapters. He spoke at various technical security conferences including Black Hat. His research was reported by various Media including CNN, Wired, Huffington Post, Forbes, Yahoo, MIT Technology Review, PC Magazine and aired on CNN and CCTV.

























发布日期:2015-7-6     发布者:刘肖凡浏览次数:733

应罗军舟教授邀请,美国伊利诺理工大学的李向阳教授(IEEE Fellow)将访问学院并做报告。报告信息具体如下:

题目:High Precision Real-Time Tracking with RFID Tags Using COTS Devices

报告人:李向阳,美国伊利诺理工大学(Illinois Institute of Technology


地点:东南大学九龙湖校区计算机楼 313



In many applications, we have to identify an object and then locate the object to within centimeter- or millimeter-level accuracy. Legacy systems that can provide such accuracy are either expensive or suffer from performance degradation resulting from various impacts, e.g., occlusion for computer vision based approaches. In this talk, we present several RFID-based systems for locating objects. One category is device-based where RFID tag is attached to the object-to-be-localized, and the other category is device-free method where no RFID tag is attached the object at all. We will focus on the device-based method while briefly introduce our device-free methods. 


The first part of the talk is about Tagoram, object localization and tracking using COTS RFID tags and readers. Tracking mobile RFID tags in real time has been a daunting task, especially challenging for achieving millimeter-level accuracy. Our system achieves these goals by leveraging the phase value of the backscattered signal, provided by the COTS RFID readers, to estimate the location of the object. In Tagoram, we exploit the tag’s mobility to build a virtual antenna array by using readings from a few physical antennas over a time window. Our system is robust to device diversity and multipath impact. We have implemented the Tagoram system using COTS RFID tags and readers. The system has been tested extensively in the lab environment and used for more than a year in real airline applications. For lab environment, we can track the mobile tags in real time with accuracy to a median of 5mm along the moving direction. In our year-long large-scale trial studies in real luggage sortation systems of two airports, our results show that Tagoram can achieve accuracy to a median of 63.5mm in these real deployments. We also will show other related applications using our techniques. 


The second part is brief review of our device-free results.


The results are collaborated with research groups atTsinghuaUniversity.





Dr. Xiang-Yang Li is a professor at Computer Science Department of IIT, an IEEE fellow (2015), an ACM Distinguished Scientist (2014), and an EMC Visiting Chair Professor atTsinghuaUniversity(2013-2016). He is a recipient of China NSF Outstanding Overseas Young Researcher (B). Dr.  Li received MS (2000) and PhD (2001) degree at Department of Computer Science fromUniversityofIllinoisat Urbana-Champaign. He received a Bachelor degree at Department of Computer Science and a Bachelor degree at Department of Business Management fromTsinghuaUniversity, P.R. China, both in 1995.  He published a monograph Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks: Theory and Applications. He also co-edited the book Encyclopedia of Algorithms. The research of Dr. Li has been supported by USA NSF, HongKong RGC, and China NSF.

His research interests include wireless networks, mobile computing, privacy and security, cyber physical systems, social networking, and algorithms. He has published more than 120 papers in top-tier journals, and 200 papers in well-known international conferences. His Google-scholar citation is more than 10,000, and H-index is >50. Dr. Li and his students won four best paper awards (IEEE IPCCC 2014, ACM MobiCom 2014, COCOON 2001, IEEE HICSS 2001), one best demo award(ACM MobiCom 2012) and was selected as best paper candidates twice (ACM MobiCom 2008, ACM MobiCom 2005).

Dr. Li has served or is serving as an editor of several journals, including IEEE Transaction on Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transaction on Mobile Computing. He served at various capacities (conference chair, TPC chair, or local arrangement chair) in a number of conferences, including TPC chair of ACM MobiHoc 2014. His research has been supported by NSF, NSFC, and RGC HongKong. He has graduated eleven PhD students since 2004. For more information about Prof. XiangYang Li, please check his webpage
 www.cs.iit.edu/~xli and www.cs.iit.edu/~winet.


发布日期:2015-7-7     发布者:刘肖凡浏览次数:837



题目:ACO in Data-Intensive Services System






摘要:The rapid proliferation of enormous sources of digital data has led to greater dependence on data-intensive services. Each service may actually request or create a large amount of data sets. To compose these services will be more challenging. Issues such as autonomy, scalability, adaptability, and robustness, become difficult to resolve. In order to automate the process of reaching an agreement among service composers, service providers, and data providers, an ant-inspired negotiation mechanism is considered in this paper. We exploit a group of agents automatically negotiating to establish agreeable service contracts. Two stage negotiation procedures are used in our data-intensive service provision model, which will provide effective and efficient service selection for service composers. We also present a multi-phase, multi-party negotiation protocol, where the ant colony system is applied to select services with the best or near-optimal utility outputs. In order to adapt the ant colony system to handle the dynamic scenarios during negotiations, we also discuss several strategies for modifying the pheromone information in the first place. The experimental results show that our negotiation-based approach can facilitate the data-intensive service provision with better outcome.


个人简介:Dr Jun Shen was awarded PhD in 2001 at Southeast University, China. He held positions at Swinburne University of Technology inMelbourneandUniversityofSouth AustraliainAdelaidebefore 2006. He is an Associate Professor inSchoolofComputingand Information Technology atUniversityofWollongonginWollongong, NSW of Australia, where he had been Head of Postgraduate Studies, and Chair of School Research Committee since 2014. He is a senior member of three institutions: IEEE, ACM and ACS. He has published more than 100 papers in journals and conferences in CS/IT areas. His expertise includes Web services, Cloud computing and learning technologies including MOOC. He has been Editor, PC Chair, Guest Editor, PC Member for numerous journals and conferences published by IEEE, ACM, Elsevier and Springer. A/Prof Shen is also a current member of ACM/AIS Task Force on Curriculum MSIS 2016.

























计算机网络和信息集成教育部重点实验室学术报告(唐少杰博士,UT Dallas

发布日期:2015-7-14     发布者:刘肖凡浏览次数:1107

应肖卿俊博士的邀请,University of Texas at Dallas的唐少杰博士将访问我院并作报告。具体信息如下



讲者:唐少杰博士,University of Texas at Dallas


题目:Modeling Data Dissemination in Online Social Networks: A Geographical Perspective on Bounding Network Traffic Load


摘要:In this work, we model the data dissemination in online social networks (OSNs) and study the scaling laws of traffic load. We propose a three-layered system model to formulate data dissemination sessions for social applications in OSNs. The layered model consists of the physical network layer, social relationship layer, and application session layer. By analyzing mutual relevance among these three layers, we investigate the geographical distribution feature of dissemination sessions in OSNs. Based on this, we derive the traffic load of OSNs under a realistic assumption that every source sustains a data generating rate of constant order. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to address the issue of traffic load scaling for OSNs by modeling the social data dissemination from a layered perspective.


个人简介:Dr. Shaojie Tang is currently an assistant professor of Naveen Jindal School of Management atUniversityofTexasatDallas. He received his PhD in computer science from Illinois Institute of Technology in 2012, B.S degree in radio engineering fromSoutheastUniversityin 2006. His research interest includes social networks, mobile commerce, game theory, e-business and optimization. He received the Best Paper Awards in ACM MobiHoc 2014 and IEEE MASS 2013. He also received the ACM SIGMobile service award in 2014. Tang served in various positions (as chairs and TPC members) at numerous conferences, including IEEE INFOCOM, IEEE ICDCS, ACM MobiHoc and IEEE ICNP. He is an editor for Elsevier Information Processing in the Agriculture and International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks.




































计算机网络和信息集成教育部重点实验室学术报告(Sotirios Batsakis副教授,Huddersfield大学)

发布日期:2015-7-15     发布者:刘肖凡浏览次数:1028

应漆桂林教授的邀请,英国Huddersfield大学的Sotirios Batsakis副教授正在我院访问,将于715日下午面向全院师生做公开报告。具体信息如下:









Large-Scale Reasoning with Semantic Data






Motivated by the recent unparalleled explosion of available data coming from the Web, sensor readings, databases, ontologies reasoning over Semantic Web Data, using MapReduce is an important topic.  Such datasets could benefit from the introduction of rule sets encoding commonly accepted rules or facts, application- or domain-specific rules, commonsense knowledge, including spatiotemporal reasoning rules, etc. This raises the question of whether, how, and to what extent knowledge representation methods are capable of handling huge amounts of data for these applications. Results indicate that our methods have good scalability properties and are able to handle a benchmark data-set of 1 billion triples.






Dr. Sotirios Batsakis is Senior Lecturer at theUniversityofHuddersfieldsince September 2013. He received a diploma in Computer Engineering and Informatics from theUniversityofPatras,Greecein 2000 with highest distinction, and a Master’s degree and a Ph.D. in Electronic and Computer Engineering from the Technical University of Crete in 2008 and 2012 respectively. He has working experience in industry, technical education and research since 2002.  His research interests include Knowledge Representation, Semantic Web, Spatial and Temporal representation and reasoning.
































计算机网络和信息集成教育部重点实验室学术报告(Toru Ishida教授等,日本京都大学)

发布日期:2015-7-23     发布者:刘肖凡浏览次数:1191

应高志强教授的邀请,日本京都大学Toru Ishida教授一行四人将访问东南大学,并给出以下报告,欢迎各位老师参加。

讲者:Toru Ishida教授、Lin Donghui助教授、Otani研究员,Kyoto University

题目1Create a New Circle of Science, Engineering and Design: Introduction to Kyoto University Design School

摘要1The global society is seeking solutions for complex problems regarding global warming, disasters, energy, food, and population. In 2013, we started five year PhD course, Collaborative Graduate Program in Design (so calledDesignSchool) to develop specialists capable of designing systems and architectures for societies in collaboration with experts from various fields. To achieve this goal, we educate experts in Cyber (such as informatics) and Physical (such as engineering) fields to develop their problem finding / solving skills in collaboration with experts in management, psychology, and arts. In short, we are trying to create a new circle of science, engineering and design. The strength of this program is that Kyoto University Graduate Schools of Informatics, Engineering, Education, Management, and Kyoto City University of Arts has been unified to establish design as an academic discipline. In this talk, we introduce our cross-disciplinary courses on design theory and design methods, two types of training courses will be
conducted: field-based learning (FBL) and problem-based learning (PBL), leadership training courses named overseas internships (individually) and field internships (in a group), as well as various academia-industry education activities in order to develop talent with a broad view and creativity.

简历1Toru Ishida has been a professor of Kyoto University since 1993. His academic background includes visiting scientist/professor positions at Columbia University, Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, University of Maryland, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Tsinghua University, Xinjiang University and Hong Kong Baptist University. He is a fellow of IEEE, a vice president of IEICE, and a member of the Science Council of Japan. He is a co-founder of the Department of Social Informatics,KyotoUniversity, and a coordinator of theKyotoUniversityDesignSchool. His research interest lies with Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems and modeling collaboration within human societies. He contributed to create AAMAS/ICMAS/PRIMA conferences on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems. His projects include Community Computing, Digital City Kyoto, Intercultural Collaboration Experiments, and the Language Grid.

题目2Open Language Grid: Towards a Worldwide Language Service Infrastructure

摘要2To develop a multilingual environment that can handle various situations in various communities, existing language resources should be easily shared and customized. We proposed and developed the Language Grid as service-oriented collective intelligence; it allows users to freely create language services from existing language resources and combine those language services to develop new services to meet their own requirements. This talk explains current status, future direction of the Language Grid, and its typical applications. First, we explain the design concept, service architecture and research achievements of the Language Grid. Then, we introduce the efforts towards a worldwide language service infrastructure for language resource sharing through global collaboration. Finally, we describe how the Language Grid is used as a platform for real field activities by using several examples.

简历2Donghui Lin has been an assistant professor of Kyoto University since 2012. He received his Ph.D. degree in informatics fromKyotoUniversityin 2008. His research interests include services computing, business process management and intercultural collaboration. He served as a program co-chair of International Conference on Culture and Computing 2013-2015, and a program committee member of recent major international conferences in the area of services computing and services science. Masayuki Otani has been a program-specific researcher ofKyotoUniversitysince 2013. He received his Ph.D. degree in engineering fromUniversityofElectro-Communicationsin March 2013. His research interests include multi-agent modeling, simulation, and intercultural collaboration. He served as an organization co-chair of International Conference on Culture and Computing 2015, and a program committee member of Joint Agent Workshops and Symposium 2014-2015.









































发布日期:2015-7-25     发布者:刘肖凡浏览次数:1553

报告题目:Distributed Networking and Data Collection for Wireless Sensor Networks


时间:2015-7-28 10:00-11:00




In this talk, we will provide an overview on the research and applications of wireless sensor networks. Then we will focus on the continuous data collection problem in wireless sensor networks with a mobile base station by using distributed coding. The coding and decoding schemes for the data collection in wireless sensor networks will be introduced. The efficiency of the proposed schemes will be shown through comprehensive theoretical analysis and the performance evaluation.


Short Bio:

Jie Li is a Professor in Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems,University of Tsukuba,Japan. His research interests are in mobile distributed multimedia computing and networking, big data and cloud computing, OS, modeling and performance evaluation of information systems. He is a senior member of IEEE and ACM and a member of IPSJ (Information Processing Society of Japan). He is the Chair of Technical Sub-Committee on Big Data (TSC-BD), IEEE Communications Society. He is an adjunct Professor inShanghaiJiaotongUniversity. He was a visiting Professor in Yale University, USA, and Inria GrenobleRhone-Aples, France. He serves as a guest editor for many international journals such as IEEE JSAC and IEEE Network recently. He has served as a secretary for Study Group on System Evaluation of IPSJ and on several editorial boards for the IPSJ Journal and so on, and on Steering Committees of the SIG of System EVAluation (EVA) of IPSJ, the SIG of DataBase System (DBS) of IPSJ, and the SIG of MoBiLe computing and ubiquitous communications of IPSJ. He has also served on the program committees for several international conferences such as IEEE INFOCOM, ICC, GLOBECOM, and MASS.






































计算机网络和信息集成教育部重点实验室学术报告(Yuanlin Zhang博士,德克萨斯理工大学)

发布日期:2015-8-17     发布者:刘肖凡浏览次数:1466

应张志政老师的邀请,美国德克萨斯理工大学的Yuanlin Zhang 博士将访问我院并作学术报告,报告信息如下。


题目:Vicious Circle Principle and Logic Programs with Aggregates

时间:2015-8-18 10:00-11:00



报告人:美国德克萨斯理工大学  Yuanlin Zhang


摘要: In this talk, Ill present a knowledge representation language Alog which extends ASP with aggregates. The goal is to have a language based on simple syntax and clear intuitive and mathematical semantics. We give some properties of Alog and a comparison with other approaches.



Yuanlin Zhang is an Associate Professor of Computer Science atTexasTechUniversity. He obtained his Bachelor degree in Computer Science from Nanjing University of Science and PhD degree in Computer Science from National University of Singapore. His research interests are in Artificial Intelligence and its application in building intelligent software. His research has been published in venues such as AAAI, IJCAI and AI journal. Yuanlinworked as a Teaching Assistant in National University of Singapore for five years. He was a research staff atCorkConstraintComputationCenterin University College Cork,Cork,Ireland, before he joined Computer Science Department of Texas Tech University,Lubbock,Texas.










































发布日期:2015-9-9     发布者:刘肖凡浏览次数:1420





报告题目:Graph Processing and Mining in the Era of Big Data



With the emergence and rapid proliferation of applications that deal with big graphs, such as web graphs (Google, Yahoo), social networks (Facebook, Twitter), e-commerce networks (Amazon, Ebay), and road networks, graph processing and mining has become increasingly prevalent and important in recent years. However, in the era of big data, the explosion and profusion of available graph data in a wide range of application domains rise up new challenges and opportunities in graph processing and mining.

    Graph processing and mining is one of the research strengths in the centre for Quantum Computation and Intelligent Systems (QCIS) at theUniversityofTechnology, Sydney (UTS).  In this talk, I will first investigate the new challenges for graph processing and mining in the era of big data. To tackle these challenges, I will introduce the recent research developments in QCIS in terms of new graph query semantics, new graph mining tasks, new query processing algorithms, new graph indexing techniques, and new computing paradigms. Finally, I will show our current achievements in building a general-purpose graph processing and mining system in QCIS centre, and discuss our potential future research directions.



Chengqi Zhang has been appointed as a Research Professor of Information Technology at The University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) since December 2001. He has been the Director of the UTS Research Centre for Quantum Computation & Intelligent Systems (QCIS) since April 2008. Chengqi  Zhang obtained his PhD degree from theUniversityofQueenslandin 1991, followed by a Doctor of Science (DSc – Higher Doctorate) fromDeakinUniversityin 2002, all from computer science. He had been appointed by University of New England (UNE) from 1990 to 1998 as Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, and Associate Professor, thenDeakinUniversityfrom 1999 to 2001 as Associate Professor, then UTS from 2002 till now as Research Professor.

    Prof. Zhang’s key areas of research are Distributed Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining and its applications. He has published more than 200 refereed research papers, including a number of papers in the first-class international journals, such as Artificial Intelligence, IEEE and ACM Transactions. He has delivered 14 keynote/invited speeches at international conferences over the last eight years. He has attracted 12 ARC grants of $4.7M. He has supervised 30+ PhD students in completion. He received NSW State Science and Engineering Award in Engineer and ICT category in 2011 and also UTS Chancellor research excellence award in Research Leadership category in 2011.

    Prof. Zhang is a Fellow of the Australian Computer Society (ACS) and a Senior Member of the IEEE Computer Society (IEEE). He had been serving ARC as an ARC College of Expert from 2012 to 2014.  He has been the Chair of the Australian Computer Science National Committee on Artificial Intelligence from 2005 till now. He was General Co-Chair of PAKDD 2014, WI/IAT 2018, and ICDM 2010. He is the General Co-Chair of KDD 2015 and he is also Local Arrangements Chair of IJCAI 2017.  





















发布日期:2015-11-4     发布者:刘肖凡浏览次数:465



报告题目:Supervised Learning Based on Monte Carlo Methods and its Applications in Biology


时间:2015-11-6 10:00-11:00


摘要:Neural network (NN) applications had a stagnant development since the 1970s. But its development and application in the related areas such as machine learning, pattern recognition, artificial intelligence and even the robotics, have obtained a wide recognition and stimulated further innovation. NN has been categorized in two types of networks, which are shallow neural network and deep neural network. They all have been extensively developed, deployed and compared. With the latest improved unsupervised learning algorithm and its parallel implementation on GPU in the recent years, the deep neural network seems to be much more rational because its multi layers' neural working mechanism is more analogous to human brain. In this talk, we will start from the traditional methods, and then deploy a supervised learning machine in a shallow neural network model usingMonte Carlomethod. Further, we will discuss about its applications in classification problems for high dimensional gene expression data, which is an important issue in biology and finally report our latest work progress.

个人简介:Dr Jun Shen was awarded PhD in 2001 at Southeast University, China. He held positions at Swinburne University of Technology inMelbourneandUniversityofSouth AustraliainAdelaidebefore 2006. He is an Associate Professor inSchoolofComputingand Information Technology atUniversityofWollongonginWollongong, NSW of Australia, where he had been Head of Postgraduate Studies, and Chair of School Research Committee since 2014. He is a senior member of three institutions: IEEE, ACM and ACS. He has published more than 100 papers in journals and conferences in CS/IT areas. His expertise includes Web services, Cloud computing and learning technologies including MOOC. He has been Editor, PC Chair, Guest Editor, PC Member for numerous journals and conferences published by IEEE, ACM, Elsevier and Springer. A/Prof Shen is also a current member of ACM/AIS Task Force on Curriculum MSIS 2016.


















发布日期:2015-11-9     发布者:刘肖凡浏览次数:345



报告题目:Copula Analysis and Inference in Computer Networks

报告人:加拿大维多利亚大学(University of Victoria)吴逵教授 (Prof. Kui Wu)

时间:2015-11-10 14:00-15:00


摘要: A copula is a function that links univariate marginals to their multivariate distribution. In practice, it is normally easy to find the univariate marginals, but it is hard to obtain the multivariate distribution. With a copula, one can capture the joint distribution of random variables once their marginal distributions are obtained. Copulas, while well known in the domain of quantitative finance and have been used widely in portfolio and risk management, are still nascent in network and communication research. Compared to other dependence measures, such as the correlation function, copula has its special advantages in network traffic modelling. For instance, the invariant property of copulas indicates that a copula of two random variables remains the same if both random variables are transformed with strictly increasing functions. This property implies that the dependence structure of two traffic flows, in the measure of copula, remains unchanged, even if the packet sizes of the two flows are scaled up differently.

This talk will introduce copula analysis with a hope of triggering more research interest of applying copula analysis in the domain of computer networks, particularly in network applications involving nonlinear dependence modelling.


计算机网络和信息集成教育部重点实验室学术报告(Wei Yu教授,Towson University

发布日期:2015-12-10     发布者:刘肖凡浏览次数:253

报告题目:Efficient and Resilient Energy-Based Cyber-Physical System

报告人:Prof. Wei Yu,TowsonUniversity

时间:2015-12-11 10:00-11:00



摘要: The smart grid, as a typical energy-based cyber-physical system, uses modern computing, communication and control technologies to make the power grid more efficient, and resilient. Nonetheless, the smart grid may operate in an environment with numerous uncertainties. In this talk, I will introduce frameworks to enable the design of efficient systems, explore failure and security risks in the system, and the development of mitigation schemes against failures and threats. This research provides a scientific foundation for designing an efficient and resilient energy-based cyber-physical system.


个人简介:Dr. Wei Yu is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer and Information Sciences atTowsonUniversity. Before joiningTowsonUniversity, he worked for Cisco Systems, Inc. for nine years. He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Engineering from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering atTexasA&MUniversityin May 2008. His research interests include computer networks, security, and cyber-physical systems. He published over 180 papers, including articles in premier journals such as IEEE ToN, TDCS, TC, TPDS, TMC, and TVT and conferences such as IEEE S&P, ACM CCS, IEEE INFOCOM, and ICDCS. He also received the University System of Maryland (USM) RegentsFaculty Award for Excellence in Scholarship, Research, or Creative Activity in 2015, the NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) award in 2014, the 2012 Excellence in Scholarship Award from Fisher College of Science and Mathematics at Towson University, the Best Paper Award at the 2013 and 2008 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)Communication & Information System Security Symposium, respectively.

个人简介:Prof. Kui Wu received the B.S. degree in Computer Science in 1990 and the Master's degree in Computer Engineering in 1993, both fromWuhan University,China, and the PhD degree in Computing Science from theUniversityofAlberta,Canada, in 2002. He joined the Department of Computer Science,University of Victoria,Canada, in 2002, where he is currently a Full Professor. He was a visiting researcher at the Centre for Quantifiable Quality of Service in Communication Systems,NorwegianUniversityof Science and Technology (NTNU) in 2008, and a Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) visiting scholar atUniversityofTsukubain 2009. His research interests include performance analysis and protocol design of computer networks, wireless sensor networks, online social networks, smart grid, and network security. Prof. Wus research has been supported by Canada Foundation of Innovation (CFI),  the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, and industrial sponsors such as Nokia, Ericsson, and Schneider Electric. His research output has been broadly reported by MIT Tech Review, ACM Tech News, Slashdot, The Atlantic Wire, Times Colonist, The Vancouver Sun, PC World, and many more.












计算机网络和信息集成教育部重点实验室学术报告(Weifa Liang教授,澳大利亚国立大学)

发布日期:2015-12-11     发布者:刘肖凡浏览次数:274

报告题目:Capacitated Cloudlet Placements in Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks

报告人:Prof. Weifa Liang,AustralianNationalUniversity

报告时间:20151214 14:30-15:30



摘要:In this paper we study the cloudlet placement problem in a large-scale Wireless Metropolitan Area Network (WMAN) that consists of many wireless Access Points (APs). Although most existing studies in mobile cloud computing mainly focus on energy savings of mobile devices by offloading computing-intensive jobs from them to remote clouds, the access delay between mobile users and the clouds usually is large and sometimes unbearable. Cloudlet as a new technology is capable to bridge this gap, and has been demonstrated to enhance the performance of mobile devices significantly while meeting the crisp response time requirements of mobile users. In this paper we consider placing multiple cloudlets with different computing capacities at some strategic local locations in a WMAN to reduce the average cloudlet access delay of mobile users at different APs. We first formulate this problem as a novel capacitated cloudlet placement problem that places $K$ cloudlets to some locations in the WMAN with the objective to minimize the average cloudlet access delay between the mobile users and the cloudlets serving their requests. We then propose a fast yet efficient heuristic. For a special case of the problem where all cloudlets have the identical computing capacity, we devise a novel approximation algorithm with a guaranteed approximation ratio. In addition, We also consider allocating user requests to cloudlets by devising an efficient online algorithm for such an assignment. We finally evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithms through experimental simulations. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithms are promising and scalable.


个人简介:Prof. Weifa Liang received the PhD degree from theAustralianNationalUniversityin 1998, the Master of Engineering degree from theUniversityofScienceand Technology of China in 1989, and the BSc degree fromWuhan University,Chinain 1984, all in Computer Science. He is currently an Associate Professor in the Research School of Computer Science at theAustralianNationalUniversity, and has recently been promoted to the Full Professor by the University. His main research interests include wireless ad hoc/sensor networks; approximation algorithms; cloud computing and mobile cloud computing; Software Defined Networking (SDN); query optimization and graph databases; design and analysis of parallel and distributed algorithms; combinatorial optimization; graph theory. In these mentioned areas, he has coauthored more than 170 high quality journal and conference papers. He is a senior member of the IEEE.














计算机网络和信息集成教育部重点实验室学术报告(庄艳艳博士,University of British Columbia

发布日期:2015-12-18     发布者:刘肖凡浏览次数:315




报告人:庄艳艳博士,University of British Columbia

报告题目:NetCheck: Network Diagnoses from Blackbox Traces


报告摘要:This talk introduces NetCheck, a tool designed to diagnose network problems in large and complex applications. NetCheck relies on blackbox tracing mechanisms, such as strace, to automatically collect sequences of network system call invocations generated by the application hosts. NetCheck performs its diagnosis by (1) totally ordering the distributed set of input traces, and by (2) utilizing a network model to identify points in the totally ordered execution where the traces deviated from expected network semantics.


Our evaluation demonstrates that NetCheck is able to diagnose failures in popular and complex applications without relying on any application- or network-specific information. For instance, NetCheck correctly identified the existence of NAT devices, simultaneous network disconnection/ reconnection, and platform portability issues. In a more targeted evaluation, NetCheck correctly detects over 95% of the network problems we found from bug trackers of projects like Python, Apache, and Ruby. When applied to traces of faults reproduced in a live network, NetCheck identified the primary cause of the fault in 90% of the cases. Additionally, NetCheck is efficient and can process a GB-long trace in about 2 minutes.


报告人简介:Yanyan Zhuang is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Computer Science at University of British Columbia (UBC). She will join the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at New York University (NYU) as a non-tenured research professor in 2016. She has published papers at NSDI, INFOCOM, ACSAC, and IEEE Transactions such as JSAC and TVT. She has been a program committee member of conferences such as Tridentcom, PacRim, and SAS. In 2014, she was awarded an NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada) postdoctoral fellowship. Her research focuses on developing mobile sensing platforms, and program diagnoses for developers to troubleshoot application failures. In the past three years, she has received a number of grants and awards from the Canadian and US government agencies for over $1.6M USD.

















计算机网络和信息集成教育部重点实验室学术报告(Yi MU教授,University of Wollongong

发布日期:2015-12-21     发布者:刘肖凡浏览次数:257

报告题目:Public Key Encryption with Keyword Search against Insider Attack


报告人:Prof. Yi Mu,UniversityofWollongong





摘要: The ciphertext retrieval is of paramount importance for data confidentiality and utilization. Thanks to bilinear-pairing-based cryptography, searching in an encrypted data has become a reality. The most common application of searchable encryption is cloud storage systems, where an honest-but-curious server manages the storage system and is able to find correct text from an encryption without decrypting it. Although the security against outsiders can be achieved, the most challenging task is to resist the so-called insider attack from the untrusted cloud storage server, who can actively guess the encrypted text with high probability. In this talk, the security models of searchable encryption such as secure channel free and insider attack will be discussed. A novel framework to resist inside attacks will be introduced. In addition, a discussion will be presented to show how to reduce the computational cost of searchable encryption with pre-computation.


个人简介:Professor Yi Mu received his PhD from the Australian National University in 1994. He is currently a full professor and Director of Centre for Computer and Information Security Research at University of Wollongong, Australia. He was the Head of School of Computer Science and Software Engineering atUniversityofWollongongduring 2011-2015. Prior to joiningUniversityofWollongong, he was a senior lecturer in the Department of Computing,MacquarieUniversity. He also worked in the Department of Computing and IT,UniversityofWestern Sydneyas a lecturer. He has been with theUniversityofWollongongsince 2003. His current research interest includes cryptography, information security and quantum cryptography. He has published over 370 research papers, including over 140 journal papers. His research has been funded by Australian Research Council and industry. He has served as program chair and member of program committee over 200 conferences including ACM CCS, ESORICS, ACISP, AisaCCS, etc. and is currently a member of the steering committees of AsiaCCS, CANS and ProvSec. Professor Yi Mu is the editor-in-chief of International Journal of Applied Cryptography and serves as associate editor for nine other international journals including Information Sciences, The Computer Journal, etc. He is a senior member of the IEEE. Further information about Professor Yi Mu can be found at http://www.uow.edu.au/~ymu
















发布日期:2015-12-21     发布者:刘肖凡浏览次数:328

题目:Scene Text Detection/Recognition: Recent Advances and Our Solutions

报告人:贾文静 (悉尼理工大学)


报告摘要:Text information appearing in a scene carries vital information for interpreting the contents, and identifying objects and surrounding environment in images. Although conventional document analysis techniques have bee quite successful, identifying general text in images remains a very challenging research problem. The recent prestigious conferences on computer vision, pattern recognition, and machine learning have seen an increased interest on this topic from the computer vision research community. In this talk, I will show you the challenges and the recent advances in research on scene text recognition and our solutions and attempts.


报告人简介:Dr. Wenjing Jia is currently a Lecturer at theSchoolofComputingand Communications at University of Technology Sydney (UTS) teaching various under- and postgraduate internetworking subjects. She is also a core research member of UTS Global Big Data Technologies Centre.  Her research interests include image processing/analysis and object detection and recognition. In particular, she has been working in the field of text information extraction for several years. This has included working on applications such as vehicle identification via recognizing their license plates, textual information retrieval from images on web pages and emails, and text sign recognition from natural scene images. She has had over 70 publications in journals such as TIP and conferences such as ICIP and ICPR.  A focus of more recent work has been to explore deep features and deep learning architectures for detecting and recognising scene text or text signage from unconstrained, outdoor street level imagery. Prior to UTS, Wenjing worked atFuzhouUniversityfrom 1999 to 2003 as an Associate Lecturer teaching various subjects in communications and information systems and conducting research on medical image analysis.


发布日期:2015-12-21     发布者:刘肖凡浏览次数:366

题目:One Handshake Can Achieve More for Practical Data Collection in Sensor Networks

报告人:童飞 (加拿大维多利亚大学)





报告摘要:To alleviate long sleep latency due to duty-cycled radio operations, existing collection protocols for wireless sensor networks adopted pipelined scheduling techniques, which stagger the sleep-wakeup schedules of nodes along forwarding paths, requiring accurate time synchronization as underlying support. They either ignored the synchronization issue or just assumed that a local synchronization scheme over non-duty-cycled radios could meet the requirement, however, which may lead to a significant synchronization issue in practice. In this work, we propose a practical Pipelined Data Collection (PDC) protocol for duty-cycled sensor networks. PDC adopts an inter-layer incorporation of network and MAC layers. It only relies on an RTS/CTS-like handshake with a set of proposed algorithms, not only for data transmission as commonly utilized, but also for pipelined scheduling and schedule synchronization, data-gathering tree establishment, and network topology control and maintenance, all of which are naturally and seamlessly incorporated together and able to support each other. Due to the pipelined-forwarding feature, PDC is very suitable for linear sensor networks (LSNs), which have recently attracted increasing attention resulting from the vast requirements on the monitoring and surveillance of a structure or area with a linear topology. We model PDC for an LSN, where all nodes can generate data as in reality. Based on the model, we analyze the network performance in terms of the system throughput, active time ratio per cycle of each node, and packet delivery latency. Through the extensive OPNET-based simulations, we validate the model and reveal the dependency of the network performance on various system parameters. PDC has also been implemented in the Contiki OS (a pioneering open-source OS for the Internet of Things). The testbed evaluations based on two hardware platforms (Z1 and MicaZ) and the compared results with a de facto standard for data collection based on the fully emulated Z1 in Cooja (a simulator provided by the Contiki OS) have demonstrated its practicality and efficacy.


报告人简介:Fei Tong received his B.S. degree in Computer Science and Technology from South-Central University for Nationalities, Wuhan, China, in 2009, and his M.S. degree in Computer Engineering from Chonbuk National University, South Korea, in 2011. He is currently a PhD candidate supervised by Dr. Jianping Pan at the Department of Computer Science,University of Victoria,Victoria, BC,Canada. His research interests include protocol design and performance analysis for advanced wireless communication networks.






















发布日期:2015-12-22     发布者:刘肖凡浏览次数:571

报告题目:PIAS: Practical Information-Agnostic Flow Scheduling for Commodity Data Centers


时间:2015-12-28 10:00-11:00




Many existing data center network (DCN) flow scheduling schemes minimize flow completion times (FCT) based on prior knowledge of flows and custom switch functions, making them superior in performance but hard to use in practice. By contrast, we seek to minimize FCT with no prior knowledge and existing commodity switch hardware. 

In this work, we present PIAS, a DCN flow scheduling mechanism that aims to minimize FCT by mimicking Shortest Job First (SJF) on the premise that flow size is not known a priori. At its heart, PIAS leverages multiple priority queues available in existing commodity switches to implement a Multiple Level Feed- back Queue (MLFQ), in which a PIAS flow is gradually demoted from higher-priority queues to lower-priority queues based on the number of bytes it has sent. As a result, short flows are likely to be finished in the first few high-priority queues and thus be prioritized over long flows in general, which enables PIAS to emulate SJF without knowing flow sizes beforehand. We have implemented a PIAS prototype and evaluated PIAS through both testbed experiments and ns-2 simulations. We show that PIAS is readily deployable with commodity switches and backward compatible with legacy TCP/IP stacks. Our evaluation results show that PIAS significantly outperforms existing information-agnostic schemes. PIAS is available at http://sing.cse.ust.hk/projects/PIAS.


Short Bio:

Dr Kai Chen is an Assistant Professor with Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He received his PhD in Computer Science fromNorthwesternUniversity,EvanstonILin 2012. His research interests include networked systems design and implementation, data center networks, and cloud and bigdata systems. His work has been published in various top venues such as SIGCOMM, NSDI, IEEE/ACM ToN, etc. He is interested in finding simple yet practical solutions to real-world networking systems problem.



















发布日期:2015-12-24     发布者:刘肖凡浏览次数:599

题目:SoH-Aware Reconfiguration to Enhance Deliverable Capacity of Large Battery Packs

报告人:何亮 (密歇根大学)






Unbalanced battery cells are known to significantly degrade the performance and reliability of a large-scale battery system. In this talk, Ill introduce our investigation on exploiting emerging reconfigurable battery packs to mitigate the cell imbalance via the joint consideration of system reconfigurability and State-of-Health (SoH) of cells. Via empirical measurements and validation, we observe that a significantly larger amount of capacity can be delivered when cells with similar SoH levels are connected in series during discharging, which in turn extends the system operation time. Based on this observation, we propose two SoH-aware reconfiguration algorithms focusing on fully and partially reconfigurable battery packs, and prove their (near) optimality. We evaluate the proposed SoH-aware reconfiguration algorithms using both experiments and simulations. The algorithms are shown to deliver about 1030% more capacity than SoH-oblivious configuration approaches.



Dr. Liang He is currently a research fellow atUniversityofMichigan,Ann Arbor,MI,USA. He worked as a research scientist at Singapore University of Technology and Design during 2011-2014 and a research assistant atUniversity of Victoria,Victoria, BC,Canadaduring 2009-2011. His research interests mainly focuses on battery-powered cyber-physical systems and sensor networks, while also covering other fields such as IoT, mobile computing, and wireless communications. He has published over 50 research papers at premier venus such as RTSS, ICCPS, MobiHoc, INFOCOM, and TMC. He is the recipient of the best paper awards of GLOBECOM11, WCSP11, and QShine14.






















74日学术报告通知(密苏里大学 沈孝钧教授)

发布日期:2014-7-3     发布者:宋美娜浏览次数:1341

报告题目:A Nearly Optimal Packet Scheduling Algorithm for Input Queued Switches with Deadline Guarantees

在本次报告中,沈老师将首先介绍在交换机的调度上的取得的最新研究成果。然后以此作为切入点,给老师们和同学们传授他多年来做科研的宝贵经验。包括,如何 寻找新的问题,确认研究动机;以什么样的研究方法来解决问题;以及,最重要的,如何将自己的研究成果有条理又逻辑的表达给读者。沈老师研究功力深厚、热情洋溢、喜爱后生,乐于分享,欢迎大家都来参加。

报告摘要:In order to guarantee quality of service, we consider how to schedule a set of packets buffered at input side of a switch such that maximum number of packets can be transmitted to their destined output ports before their deadlines. This problem has been proven NP-complete if three or more classes (distinct deadlines) are present in the set. Traditionally, the only way to deal with this problem is to use EDF (Earliest Deadline First) or similar methods.  In 2007, we proposed the first non-EDF method that can produce a much higher throughput by repeatedly applying an optimal algorithm for two classes. Recently, a mush high throughput has been reached by a new algorithm which does not use the deadlines as the priorities. This new algorithm provides approximation ratio 2 and superb average performance as well. It would provide a practical solution to the historically difficult problem. A related paper will appear in IEEE Transactions on Computers.



Dr. Xiaojun Shen (沈孝钧) received his bachelor degree in computer science in 1968 fromTsinghuaUniversity, and master degree in computer science in 1982 from Nanjing University of Science andTechnology,China. He came toUSAand received his Ph.D degree in computer science in 1989 fromUniversityofIllinois, Urbana-Champaign. He became a faculty member in theSchoolofComputingand Engineering at UMKC since 1989. He has done research work in the fields of Discrete Mathematics, Computational Geometry, Parallel Processing, and Computer Networking. In addition to 30 conference papers, he has published more than 40 papers in prestigious journals including SIAM J. Computing, Discrete Mathematics, Discrete Applied Mathematics, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and systems, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Theoretical Computer Science, Computer Networks, etc. He has also published a book, Essentials of Computer Algorithms (in Chinese). His current research focuses on packet scheduling for wired and wireless networks.


















715日学术报告通知(沈俊博士 澳大利亚伍伦贡大学)

发布日期:2014-7-11     发布者:刘肖凡浏览次数:1140

报告题目:Multi-Phase Ant Colony System for Multi-Party Data-Intensive Service Provision
报告人:澳大利亚伍伦贡大学 沈俊博士
时间:2014-7-15 14:30-15:30

报告摘要:The rapid proliferation of enormous sources of digital data has led to greater dependence on data-intensive services. Each service may actually request or create a large amount of data sets. To compose these services will be more challenging. Issues such as autonomy, scalability, adaptability, and robustness, become difficult to resolve. In order to automate the process of reaching an agreement among service composers, service providers, and data providers, an ant-inspired negotiation mechanism is considered in this paper. We exploit a group of agents automatically negotiating to establish agreeable service contracts. Two stage negotiation procedures are used in our data-intensive service provision model, which will provide effective and efficient service selection for service composers. We also present a multi-phase, multi-party negotiation protocol, where the ant colony system is applied to select services with the best or near-optimal utility outputs. In order to adapt the ant colony system to handle the dynamic scenarios during negotiations, we also discuss several strategies for modifying the pheromone information in the first place. The experimental results show that our negotiation-based approach can facilitate the data-intensive service provision with better outcome.

报告人简介:沈俊博士2001年在东南大学获得计算机工学博士学位,先后在澳大利亚多所高校从事科研教学工作,现在伍伦贡大学任 职,已经指导毕业博士4名,硕士3名。他在该校兼任ICT硕士学位协调人,信息系统和技术系学术委员会主席,学位委员会主任,他是IEEE高级会 员和ACM高级会员,担任《Journal of Web Services Research》《Services Oriented Computing and Applications》《International Journal of Cloud Computing》《International Journal of Embedded Sysem》编委,曾经四次担任IEEE国际会议程序委员会主席,曾被40多国际顶级杂志邀请审稿,先后担任60多国际会议程序委员会委员,其中已经连续 多年担任国际面向服务的计算大会(ICSOC)IEEE服务计算大会(SCC),云计算大会(CLOUDS)和大数据峰会(Big Data)的程序委员。他本人已经发表论文90多篇。

731日学术报告通知(施国琛教授 台湾中央大学)

发布日期:2014-7-29     发布者:刘肖凡浏览次数:1175

Motion Interpretation -

Virtual Music Instrument as Examples




Timothy K. Shih

National Central University,Taiwan





<!--[if !vml]-->http://cse.seu.edu.cn/Upload/FCKEditor/施国琛1.png<!--[endif]-->


Human-Computer-Interaction may allow people to communicate with machines in intuitive ways by exploring new usability of cameras and sensors. The MINE Lab (http://mine.csie.ncu.edu.tw/core/) uses a number of cameras, such as Kinect, Leap Motion and Creative Senz3D, to design a series of virtual music instruments. These instruments include Drum, Guitar, Bass Guitar, Piano, Xylophone, as well as a specially designed virtual instrument called the Spider King. Techniques include gesture tracking on human body and fingers. We follow three important principals. Frist, the performers should not carry anything in hand. Second, the performance must be understood and appreciated by general audiences. Third, music professionals may appreciate the designs. The MINE Virtual Band was introduced in May 2013. The concert performed in May 9th, 2013 and May 8th, 2014 receives very good comments from the audiences. This presentation includes basic techniques and concepts of using different sensors, as well as the designs of virtual instruments. In addition to the virtual band, our performance includes special effects on large screen, for real-time interaction with the audiences.

Biography of Timothy K. Shih

<!--[if !vml]-->86315940-TShih<!--[endif]-->Timothy K. Shih (http://www.csie.ncu.edu.tw/~tshih/) is a Professor at the National Central University, Taiwan. He was the Dean of theCollegeofComputer Science,Asia University,Taiwanand the Chairman of the CSIE Department atTamkang University,Taiwan. Prof. Shih is a Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). He is also the founding Chairman of the IET Taipei Local Network. In addition, he is a senior member of ACM and a senior member of IEEE. Prof. Shih joined the Educational Activities Board of the IEEE Computer Society. He was the founder and co-editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Distance Education Technologies,USA. He is the Associate Editor of IEEE Computing Now. And, he was the associate editors of the IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, the ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, and the IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. Prof. Shih was the Conference Co-Chair of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME’2004). He has been invited to give more than 40 keynote speeches and plenary talks in international conferences, as well as tutorials in IEEE ICME 2001 and 2006, and ACM Multimedia 2002 and 2007. Prof. Shih’s current research interests include Multimedia Computing and Distance Learning. He has edited many books and published over 500 papers and book chapters. Prof. Shih has received many research awards, including research awards from National Science Council of Taiwan, IIAS research award fromGermany, HSSS award fromGreece, Brandon Hall award fromUSA, and several best paper awards from international conferences.


















95日学术报告通知(Jeff Pan教授 英国阿伯丁大学)

发布日期:2014-9-3     发布者:刘肖凡浏览次数:743

应漆桂林教授邀请,英国阿伯丁大学的Jeff Pan教授将于95日在我院举办学术报告会,欢迎感兴趣的老师和同学踊跃参加。



报告题目:4 Vs in Semantic Reasoning: Variety, Velocity, Volumn and Veracity 

报告摘要:The talk will begin with some example to illustrate why semantic web technologies are regarded as best practice for handling data integration. With semantic web tecnologies moving into main stream (some evidence will be provided in the talk), reasoning with semantic big data becomes a key task for bridging the gap betweeen data and query based exploitation. I will then give an overview of the start of the art on semantic reasoning, from the perspectives of variety, velocity, volumn and veracity. I will conclude the talk with some observations on related topics. 

报告人简介:Jeff Z. Pan is a Reader (non-chair Professor) in the Department of Computing Science atUniversityofAberdeen. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from theUniversityofManchesterin 2004. His research focuses primarily on knowledge representation, data understanding and exploitation, in particular on efficient and scalable semantic reasoning and querying for improving data exploitation. He has about 150 refereed publications on related topics. He is a key contributor to the W3C OWL2 standard (see e.g. the well-known TrOWL reasoner, http://trowl.eu/). He has been giving tutorials and talks in leading seantic web related conferences (such as ISWC, AAAI, ESWC, SemTechBiz) on ontology reasoning and their applications. He is an editor of the International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems (IJSWIS) and serves on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Web Semantics (JoWS) and Big Data Research. He is a general chair of the 4th Joint International Conference on Semantic Technology  (JIST2014). He is a general chair of 8th Chinese Semantic Web and Web Science Conference (CSWS2014) and was a Program Chair of RR2007, JIST2011, and of the Doctoral Consortiums in ISWC2010 and ESWC2011.


1023日学术报告通知(Sylvie DoutreLaurent Perrussel,法国图卢兹大学)

发布日期:2014-10-22     发布者:刘肖凡浏览次数:598

应漆桂林教授的邀请,法国图卢兹大学的Sylvie DoutreLaurent Perrussel两位教授将在我院进行讲座,信息如下,欢迎各位参加。


报告人:Sylvie Doutre
报告人简介:Associate professor at the University of Toulouse, IRIT (France) since 2005. Research assistant at the University of Liverpool in 2004. PhD from the University of Toulouse in 2002. Main research topics: knowledge representation and reasoning, logic, argumentation (
报告题目:Constraints and changes in argumentation
报告摘要:This talk addresses the issue of enforcing a constraint in an argumentation system. The system consists in (1) an argumentation framework, the structure of which is made up of a set of arguments and of an attack relationship, (2) an acceptability semantics, and (3) acceptable sets of arguments, computed from (1) and (2). An agent may want another agent to consider a new attack, or to have a given argument in at least one extension, or even to relax the definition of the semantics. A constraint on any of the three components is thus defined, and it has to be enforced in the system. The enforcement may result in changes on components of the system. The talk surveys existing approaches for the dynamic enforcement of a constraint and  its consequences, in the light of the three components, and reveals enforcement cases that remain to be investigated.

报告人:Laurent Perrussel
报告人简介:Associate professor at the University of Toulouse, IRIT (France) since 1998. His main research topics are (i) reasoning about action and change and (ii) social intelligence. His work currently focuses on belief change and strategic reasoning. (http://www.irit.fr/~Laurent.Perrussel).
报告题目:Trust-Based Belief Change
报告摘要:The aim of this talk is to exhibit a logic that supports reasoning about trust-based belief change. *Trust-based belief change* refers to belief change that depends on the degree of trust the receiver has in the source of information.
On the technical level, our approach consists in extending Liau's static modal logic of belief and trust in three different directions:
(i) a generalization of Liau's approach to graded trust,
(ii) its extension by modal operators of knowledge and by modal operators of graded belief,
(iii) by a family of  dynamic operators in the style of dynamic epistemic logics (DEL).

The latter operators allow us to represent the consequences of a given trust-based belief change operation. We consider two kinds of trust-based belief change policy, namely an *additive* policy that gives priority to the last information source and a compensatory policy that balances opposite information received by different information sources.






























117日学术报告通知(Lixin Gao教授,美国马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校)

发布日期:2014-11-4     发布者:刘肖凡浏览次数:660

应罗军舟教授的邀请,美国马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校的Lixin Gao教授将在我院进行讲座,信息如下,欢迎各位参加。



报告人:Professor Lixin Gao

报告人简介:Lixin Gao is a professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. She received her Ph.D. degree in computer science from theUniversityofMassachusettsatAmherst. Her research interests include social networks, and Internet routing, network virtualization and cloud computing. Between May 1999 and January 2000, she was a visiting researcher at AT&T Research Labs and DIMACS. She was an Alfred P. Sloan Fellow between 2003-2005 and received an NSF CAREER Award in 1999. She won the best paper award from IEEE INFOCOM 2010, and the test-of-time award in ACM SIGMETRICS 2010. Her paper in ACM Cloud Computing 2011 was honored withPaper of Distinction. She received the Chancellors Award for Outstanding Accomplishment in Research and Creative Activity in 2010, and is a fellow of IEEE and ACM.
报告题目:Distributed Frameworks for Iterative Computations on Massive Datasets
报告摘要  The advances in sensing, storage, and networking technology have created huge collections of high-volume, high-dimensional data. Making sense of these data is critical for companies and organizations to make better business decisions, and even brings convenience to our daily life. Recent advances in data mining, machine learning, and applied statistics have led to a flurry of data analytic techniques that typically require an iterative refinement process. However, the massive amount of data involved and potentially numerous iterations required make performing data analytics in a timely manner challenging. In this talk, we present a series of distributed frameworks that enable fast iterative computations. By providing the support of iterative computations and asynchronous prioritized execution, we can ensure fast convergence of the iterative process.










































发布日期:2014-11-17     发布者:刘肖凡浏览次数:562



报告题目:Storage side channel attacks in modern OS and network stacks.

报告摘要:In this talk, I will introduce a class of practical storage side channel attacks against the Android OS and the TCP stacks. They lead to significant damage to user privacy, network security, application integrity. The attack in Android allows a background app to infer what the foreground app is doing without requiring any permission. Knowing the state of the foreground app, we are then able to hijack the foreground app and launch phishing attacks to steal sensitive information such as passwords and bank account info. The attack in TCP stacks allows an off-path attacker on the Internet to hijack TCP connections created between a legitimate client and server.
For instance, we are able to hijack the browser's connection to facebook and replace it with a phishing login page to steal credentials. Prompted by our work, corresponding vendors (e.g., Checkpoint, Linux kernel) have proposed mitigation solutions and applied patches.

报告人简介:Dr. Zhiyun Qian is an assistant professor atUniversityofCalifornia,Riverside. His research spans practical aspects of cyber-security, mobile computing and network systems. Topics that he is interested in include Internet security (e.g., TCP/IP), Android security, infrastructure security (e.g., cellular networks), security of network middleboxes such as firewalls, and security applications of side-channel-enabled network/system state inference. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and Engineering fromUniversityofMichiganin 2012.





发布日期:2014-11-26     发布者:刘肖凡浏览次数:676



报告题目:Big Data in the Internet: Fundamentals, Implementation and Impact
报告摘要:This talk discusses the concept and solution of Big Data from the Internet point of view. Based on Big Data solutions in real environment, this presentation reviews the data processing technologies, system requirement analysis, and architecture design. The talk will also address the impact of Big Data to new Internet technologies such as IoT, Cloud Computing and Software Defined Network, and the challenges and opportunities in their study, research and development.

报告人简介:Darren Xu is a Network Architect in the telecommunication division of Transaction Network Services. He earned his B.S. degree and M.S. degree in Computer Science fromSoutheast University,China, in 1982 and 1988 respectively, and achieved the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and Telecommunications fromUniversityofMissouriKansas City,USAin 1998. Dr. Xu works on network and security in both academic research and industry development fields. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, as a faculty member at Southeast University, China, he was the principal investigator for many research grants including the National High-Tech R&D Program (863 Program) from the Chinese state and provincial governments, and received a number of prestigious scientific and technological awards from his research. He was one of the pioneers inChinaon the research and implementation of Internet and network security. He was the program co-chair for several academic conferences inChinaon Data Communications and Network Security. Since the mid 1990s he has been worked at several US companies: YRC Worldwide Technologies, Verisign, and Transaction Network Services. His experience covers many positions in the network and security fields including System Engineer, Senior Analyst, and Network Architect. His work covers a wide field in information and network security implementation, Internet and top-level DNS operation, telecommunication and data network architecture design. He has published many research papers and technical reports, and contributed work to several national and international standards.