Internet has reached a point where not only traditional computers and mobile devices but smart objects have needs to connect to networks and to clouds where centralized and shared services and infrastructure provide more powerful computing environment. This talk will introduce two hot topics in Internet world, Internet of Things: how to connect smart objects to Internet, and Cloud Computing: how to utilize this computing model to support new Internet applications. We will also discuss the applications in the real world and the roles in networking of the two new technologies and how they fit into Internet architecture and infrastructure.
徐永南博士,1982年获南京工学院计算机科学与技术专业学士学位,1988年获东南大学计算机应用技术专业硕士学位,后留校在东南大学计算机系计算机网络和通信研究室从事计算机网络和安全教学和科研工作。1993年赴美国留学,1998年获美国密苏里大学计算机网络和通讯系博士学位,毕业后在美国多家公司担任系统分析员、高级系统工程师等职务,现任美国Transaction Network Services公司网络安全架构师,从事计算机网络和安全方面的系统设计和项目管理工作。