


--- 2012年学术报告
Declarative problem solving: language, reasoning, and applications

时间:2012年7月2日 地点:九龙湖校区计算机楼413室


    Significant advances have been made in declarative programming (including constraint programming etc.), its modeling methodology and efficient reasoning algorithms and implementations, and its success in many critical and exciting applications such as software/hardware verification, aerospace exploration and transportation. In this talk, Zhang will cover his recent and ongoing research in the design of declarative programming languages, some interesting reasoning algorithms and potential new applications.


    Yuanlin Zhang Obtained his PhD degree from National University of Singapore. His research interests are in designing declarative programming languages, developing efficient inference algorithms for these languages, and applying these programming systems to challenging problems in Artificial Intelligence and application domains including health care, robots and education. He has published a lot of papers in IJCAI, AAAI, etc.

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