


--- 2014年学术报告
A Nearly Optimal Packet Scheduling Algorithm for Input Queued Switches with Deadline Guarantees

时间: 地点:九龙湖校区计算机学院313会议室


  In order to guarantee quality of service, we consider how to schedule a set of packets buffered at input side of a switch such that maximum number of packets can be transmitted to their destined output ports before their deadlines. This problem has been proven NP-complete if three or more classes (distinct deadlines) are present in the set. Traditionally, the only way to deal with this problem is to use EDF (Earliest Deadline First) or similar methods. In 2007, we proposed the first non-EDF method that can produce a much higher throughput by repeatedly applying an optimal algorithm for two classes. Recently, a mush high throughput has been reached by a new algorithm which does not use the deadlines as the priorities. This new algorithm provides approximation ratio 2 and superb average performance as well. It would provide a practical solution to the historically difficult problem. A related paper will appear in IEEE Transactions on Computers.


   Dr. Xiaojun Shen (沈孝钧) received his bachelor degree in computer science in 1968 from Tsinghua University, and master degree in computer science in 1982 from Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China. He came to USA and received his Ph.D degree in computer science in 1989 from University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. He became a faculty member in the School of Computing and Engineering at UMKC since 1989. He has done research work in the fields of Discrete Mathematics, Computational Geometry, Parallel Processing, and Computer Networking. In addition to 30 conference papers, he has published more than 40 papers in prestigious journals including SIAM J. Computing, Discrete Mathematics, Discrete Applied Mathematics, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and systems, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Theoretical Computer Science, Computer Networks, etc. He has also published a book, Essentials of Computer Algorithms (in Chinese). His current research focuses on packet scheduling for wired and wireless networks.

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