


--- 2014年学术报告
Multi-Phase Ant Colony System for Multi-Party Data-Intensive Service Provision

时间: 地点:九龙湖校区计算机学院313会议室


  The rapid proliferation of enormous sources of digital data has led to greater dependence on data-intensive services. Each service may actually request or create a large amount of data sets. To compose these services will be more challenging. Issues such as autonomy, scalability, adaptability, and robustness, become difficult to resolve. In order to automate the process of reaching an agreement among service composers, service providers, and data providers, an ant-inspired negotiation mechanism is considered in this paper. We exploit a group of agents automatically negotiating to establish agreeable service contracts. Two stage negotiation procedures are used in our data-intensive service provision model, which will provide effective and efficient service selection for service composers. We also present a multi-phase, multi-party negotiation protocol, where the ant colony system is applied to select services with the best or near-optimal utility outputs. In order to adapt the ant colony system to handle the dynamic scenarios during negotiations, we also discuss several strategies for modifying the pheromone information in the first place. The experimental results show that our negotiation-based approach can facilitate the data-intensive service provision with better outcome.


   沈俊博士2001年在东南大学获得计算机工学博士学位,先后在澳大利亚多所高校从事科研教学工作,现在伍伦贡大学任 职,已经指导毕业博士4名,硕士3名。他在该校兼任ICT硕士学位协调人,信息系统和技术系学术委员会主席,学位委员会主任,他是IEEE高级会 员和ACM高级会员,担任《Journal of Web Services Research》《Services Oriented Computing and Applications》《International Journal of Cloud Computing》《International Journal of Embedded Sysem》编委,曾经四次担任IEEE国际会议程序委员会主席,曾被40多国际顶级杂志邀请审稿,先后担任60多国际会议程序委员会委员,其中已经连续 多年担任国际面向服务的计算大会(ICSOC),IEEE服务计算大会(SCC),云计算大会(CLOUDS)和大数据峰会(Big Data)的程序委员。他本人已经发表论文90多篇。

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