


--- 2014年学术报告
4 Vs in Semantic Reasoning: Variety, Velocity, Volumn and Veracity

时间: 地点:九龙湖校区计算机学院三楼会议室


  The talk will begin with some example to illustrate why semantic web technologies are regarded as best practice for handling data integration. With semantic web tecnologies moving into main stream (some evidence will be provided in the talk), reasoning with semantic big data becomes a key task for bridging the gap betweeen data and query based exploitation. I will then give an overview of the start of the art on semantic reasoning, from the perspectives of variety, velocity, volumn and veracity. I will conclude the talk with some observations on related topics.


   Jeff Z. Pan is a Reader (non-chair Professor) in the Department of Computing Science at University of Aberdeen. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Manchester in 2004. His research focuses primarily on knowledge representation, data understanding and exploitation, in particular on efficient and scalable semantic reasoning and querying for improving data exploitation. He has about 150 refereed publications on related topics. He is a key contributor to the W3C OWL2 standard (see e.g. the well-known TrOWL reasoner, http://trowl.eu/). He has been giving tutorials and talks in leading seantic web related conferences (such as ISWC, AAAI, ESWC, SemTechBiz) on ontology reasoning and their applications. He is an editor of the International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems (IJSWIS) and serves on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Web Semantics (JoWS) and Big Data Research. He is a general chair of the 4th Joint International Conference on Semantic Technology (JIST2014). He is a general chair of 8th Chinese Semantic Web and Web Science Conference (CSWS2014) and was a Program Chair of RR2007, JIST2011, and of the Doctoral Consortiums in ISWC2010 and ESWC2011.

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