


--- 2014年学术报告
Trust-Based Belief Change

时间: 地点:九龙湖计算机楼411会议室


  The aim of this talk is to exhibit a logic that supports reasoning about trust-based belief change. *Trust-based belief change* refers to belief change that depends on the degree of trust the receiver has in the source of information. On the technical level, our approach consists in extending Liau's static modal logic of belief and trust in three different directions: (i) a generalization of Liau's approach to graded trust, (ii) its extension by modal operators of knowledge and by modal operators of graded belief, (iii) by a family of dynamic operators in the style of dynamic epistemic logics (DEL). The latter operators allow us to represent the consequences of a given trust-based belief change operation. We consider two kinds of trust-based belief change policy, namely an *additive* policy that gives priority to the last information source and a compensatory policy that balances opposite information received by different information sources.


   Associate professor at the University of Toulouse, IRIT (France) since 1998. His main research topics are (i) reasoning about action and change and (ii) social intelligence. His work currently focuses on belief change and strategic reasoning. (http://www.irit.fr/~Laurent.Perrussel).

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