


--- 2014年学术报告
Big Data in the Internet: Fundamentals, Implementation and Impact

时间: 地点:九龙湖校区计算机学院三楼会议室


  This talk discusses the concept and solution of Big Data from the Internet point of view. Based on Big Data solutions in real environment, this presentation reviews the data processing technologies, system requirement analysis, and architecture design. The talk will also address the impact of Big Data to new Internet technologies such as IoT, Cloud Computing and Software Defined Network, and the challenges and opportunities in their study, research and development.


  Darren Xu is a Network Architect in the telecommunication division of Transaction Network Services. He earned his B.S. degree and M.S. degree in Computer Science from Southeast University, China, in 1982 and 1988 respectively, and achieved the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and Telecommunications from University of Missouri � Kansas City, USA in 1998. Dr. Xu works on network and security in both academic research and industry development fields. In the late 1980's and early 1990's, as a faculty member at Southeast University, China, he was the principal investigator for many research grants including the National High-Tech R&D Program (863 Program) from the Chinese state and provincial governments, and received a number of prestigious scientific and technological awards from his research. He was one of the pioneers in China on the research and implementation of Internet and network security. He was the program co-chair for several academic conferences in China on Data Communications and Network Security. Since the mid 1990's he has been worked at several US companies: YRC Worldwide Technologies, Verisign, and Transaction Network Services. His experience covers many positions in the network and security fields including System Engineer, Senior Analyst, and Network Architect. His work covers a wide field in information and network security implementation, Internet and top-level DNS operation, telecommunication and data network architecture design. He has published many research papers and technical reports, and contributed work to several national and international standards.

东南大学计算机网络和信息集成教育部重点实验室 版权所有