


--- 2015年学术报告
<strong>Two-Factor Data Security Protection Mechanism for Cloud Storage System</strong>

时间:9月29日下午3点 地点:九龙湖校区计算机学院三楼会议室


  We propose a two-factor data security protection mechanism with factor revocability for cloud storage system. Our system allows a sender to send an encrypted message to a receiver through a cloud storage server. The sender only needs to know the identity of the receiver but no other information (such as its public key or its certificate). The receiver needs to possess two things in order to decrypt the ciphertext. The first thing is his/hersecret key stored in the computer. The second thing is a unique personal security device which connects to the computer. It is impossible to decrypt the ciphertext without either piece. More importantly, once the security device is stolen or lost, this device is revoked. It cannot be usedto decrypt any ciphertext. This can be done by the cloud server which will immediately execute some algorithms to change the existing ciphertext to be un-decryptable by this device. This process is completely transparent to the sender. Furthermore, the cloud server cannot decrypt any ciphertext at any time. The security and efficiency analysis show that our system is not only secure but also practical.


   Dr. Joseph Liu (廖�瑞博士) 在 2004 年取得香港中文大�信息工程系的博士�位。他的主要研究��包括: ��安全、�人�私、身份核�、公钥密�、�安全、智能城市安全等。他�在在澳大利�蒙�士大� (Monash University) ��科技�院�任高���。之前,他在新加坡��通�研究院 (Institute for Infocomm Research, I2R) �任研究�� 7 年之久。他一共�表接近 100 篇�文,�中包括超� 15 篇�表在多份 IEEE 期刊; 其中一篇�文更� ESORICS 2014 ��最佳�文�. H 指�高� 24。他的一�有��量密��的研究,在 2013 年被 ISO ��成����,供��同行使用。他同�也�任一些����的主席,包括 ProvSec 2007, 2014 以及 ACISP 2016 等。

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