


--- 2015年学术报告
<strong>Supervised Learning Based on Monte Carlo Methods and its Applications in Biology</strong>

时间:2015-11-6 10:00-11:00 地点:九龙湖校区计算机学院三楼会议室


  Neural network (NN) applications had a stagnant development since the 1970s. But its development and application in the related areas such as machine learning, pattern recognition, artificial intelligence and even the robotics, have obtained a wide recognition and stimulated further innovation. NN has been categorized in two types of networks, which are shallow neural network and deep neural network. They all have been extensively developed, deployed and compared. With the latest improved unsupervised learning algorithm and its parallel implementation on GPU in the recent years, the deep neural network seems to be much more rational because its multi layers' neural working mechanism is more analogous to human brain. In this talk, we will start from the traditional methods, and then deploy a supervised learning machine in a shallow neural network model using Monte Carlo method. Further, we will discuss about its applications in classification problems for high dimensional gene expression data, which is an important issue in biology and finally report our latest work progress.


   Dr Jun Shen was awarded PhD in 2001 at Southeast University, China. He held positions at Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne and University of South Australia in Adelaide before 2006. He is an Associate Professor in School of Computing and Information Technology at University of Wollongong in Wollongong, NSW of Australia, where he had been Head of Postgraduate Studies, and Chair of School Research Committee since 2014. He is a senior member of three institutions: IEEE, ACM and ACS. He has published more than 100 papers in journals and conferences in CS/IT areas. His expertise includes Web services, Cloud computing and learning technologies including MOOC. He has been Editor, PC Chair, Guest Editor, PC Member for numerous journals and conferences published by IEEE, ACM, Elsevier and Springer. A/Prof Shen is also a current member of ACM/AIS Task Force on Curriculum MSIS 2016.

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