


--- 2015年学术报告
<strong>Scene Text Detection/Recognition: Recent Advances and Our Solutions</strong>

时间:2015年12月23日下午15:00 地点:九龙湖计算机楼201会议室


   Text information appearing in a scene carries vital information for interpreting the contents, and identifying objects and surrounding environment in images. Although conventional document analysis techniques have bee quite successful, identifying general text in images remains a very challenging research problem. The recent prestigious conferences on computer vision, pattern recognition, and machine learning have seen an increased interest on this topic from the computer vision research community. In this talk, I will show you the challenges and the recent advances in research on scene text recognition and our solutions and attempts.


  Dr. Wenjing Jia is currently a Lecturer at the School of Computing and Communications at University of Technology Sydney (UTS) teaching various under- and postgraduate internetworking subjects. She is also a core research member of UTS Global Big Data Technologies Centre. Her research interests include image processing/analysis and object detection and recognition. In particular, she has been working in the field of text information extraction for several years. This has included working on applications such as vehicle identification via recognizing their license plates, textual information retrieval from images on web pages and emails, and text sign recognition from natural scene images. She has had over 70 publications in journals such as TIP and conferences such as ICIP and ICPR. A focus of more recent work has been to explore deep features and deep learning architectures for detecting and recognising scene text or text signage from unconstrained, outdoor street level imagery. Prior to UTS, Wenjing worked at Fuzhou University from 1999 to 2003 as an Associate Lecturer teaching various subjects in communications and information systems and conducting research on medical image analysis.

东南大学计算机网络和信息集成教育部重点实验室 版权所有