


--- 2015年学术报告
<strong>One Handshake Can Achieve More for Practical Data Collection in Sensor Networks</strong>

时间:2015年12月25日上午10:00 地点:九龙湖计算机楼313会议室


   To alleviate long sleep latency due to duty-cycled radio operations, existing collection protocols for wireless sensor networks adopted pipelined scheduling techniques, which stagger the sleep-wakeup schedules of nodes along forwarding paths, requiring accurate time synchronization as underlying support. They either ignored the synchronization issue or just assumed that a local synchronization scheme over non-duty-cycled radios could meet the requirement, however, which may lead to a significant synchronization issue in practice. In this work, we propose a practical Pipelined Data Collection (PDC) protocol for duty-cycled sensor networks. PDC adopts an inter-layer incorporation of network and MAC layers. It only relies on an RTS/CTS-like handshake with a set of proposed algorithms, not only for data transmission as commonly utilized, but also for pipelined scheduling and schedule synchronization, data-gathering tree establishment, and network topology control and maintenance, all of which are naturally and seamlessly incorporated together and able to support each other. Due to the pipelined-forwarding feature, PDC is very suitable for linear sensor networks (LSNs), which have recently attracted increasing attention resulting from the vast requirements on the monitoring and surveillance of a structure or area with a linear topology. We model PDC for an LSN, where all nodes can generate data as in reality. Based on the model, we analyze the network performance in terms of the system throughput, active time ratio per cycle of each node, and packet delivery latency. Through the extensive OPNET-based simulations, we validate the model and reveal the dependency of the network performance on various system parameters. PDC has also been implemented in the Contiki OS (a pioneering open-source OS for the Internet of Things). The testbed evaluations based on two hardware platforms (Z1 and MicaZ) and the compared results with a de facto standard for data collection based on the fully emulated Z1 in Cooja (a simulator provided by the Contiki OS) have demonstrated its practicality and efficacy.


  Fei Tong received his B.S. degree in Computer Science and Technology from South-Central University for Nationalities, Wuhan, China, in 2009, and his M.S. degree in Computer Engineering from Chonbuk National University, South Korea, in 2011. He is currently a PhD candidate supervised by Dr. Jianping Pan at the Department of Computer Science, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada. His research interests include protocol design and performance analysis for advanced wireless communication networks.

东南大学计算机网络和信息集成教育部重点实验室 版权所有