


--- 2015年学术报告
<strong>SoH-Aware Reconfiguration to Enhance Deliverable Capacity of Large Battery Packs</strong>

时间:2015年12月28日上午10:00 地点:九龙湖计算机楼313会议室


   Unbalanced battery cells are known to significantly degrade the performance and reliability of a large-scale battery system. In this talk, I’ll introduce our investigation on exploiting emerging reconfigurable battery packs to mitigate the cell imbalance via the joint consideration of system reconfigurability and State-of-Health (SoH) of cells. Via empirical measurements and validation, we observe that a significantly larger amount of capacity can be delivered when cells with similar SoH levels are connected in series during discharging, which in turn extends the system operation time. Based on this observation, we propose two SoH-aware reconfiguration algorithms focusing on fully and partially reconfigurable battery packs, and prove their (near) optimality. We evaluate the proposed SoH-aware reconfiguration algorithms using both experiments and simulations. The algorithms are shown to deliver about 10�30% more capacity than SoH-oblivious configuration approaches.


  Dr. Liang He is currently a research fellow at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA. He worked as a research scientist at Singapore University of Technology and Design during 2011-2014 and a research assistant at University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada during 2009-2011. His research interests mainly focuses on battery-powered cyber-physical systems and sensor networks, while also covering other fields such as IoT, mobile computing, and wireless communications. He has published over 50 research papers at premier venus such as RTSS, ICCPS, MobiHoc, INFOCOM, and TMC. He is the recipient of the best paper awards of GLOBECOM’11, WCSP’11, and QShine’14.

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