


--- 2015年学术报告
<strong>PIAS: Practical Information-Agnostic Flow Scheduling for Commodity Data Centers</strong>

时间:2015年12月28日上午10:00-11:00 地点:九龙湖计算机楼313会议室


   Many existing data center network (DCN) flow scheduling schemes minimize flow completion times (FCT) based on prior knowledge of flows and custom switch functions, making them superior in performance but hard to use in practice. By contrast, we seek to minimize FCT with no prior knowledge and existing commodity switch hardware. In this work, we present PIAS, a DCN flow scheduling mechanism that aims to minimize FCT by mimicking Shortest Job First (SJF) on the premise that flow size is not known a priori. At its heart, PIAS leverages multiple priority queues available in existing commodity switches to implement a Multiple Level Feed- back Queue (MLFQ), in which a PIAS flow is gradually demoted from higher-priority queues to lower-priority queues based on the number of bytes it has sent. As a result, short flows are likely to be finished in the first few high-priority queues and thus be prioritized over long flows in general, which enables PIAS to emulate SJF without knowing flow sizes beforehand. We have implemented a PIAS prototype and evaluated PIAS through both testbed experiments and ns-2 simulations. We show that PIAS is readily deployable with commodity switches and backward compatible with legacy TCP/IP stacks. Our evaluation results show that PIAS significantly outperforms existing information-agnostic schemes. PIAS is available at http://sing.cse.ust.hk/projects/PIAS.


  Dr Kai Chen is an Assistant Professor with Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He received his PhD in Computer Science from Northwestern University, Evanston IL in 2012. His research interests include networked systems design and implementation, data center networks, and cloud and bigdata systems. His work has been published in various top venues such as SIGCOMM, NSDI, IEEE/ACM ToN, etc. He is interested in finding simple yet practical solutions to real-world networking systems problem.

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