


--- 2016年学术报告
<strong>Cloud-Based Privacy-Preserving Parking Navigation</strong>

时间:2016年10月21日上午9:45 地点:九龙湖校区计算机楼213


   Finding a vacant parking space in a congested area is always time consuming and frustrating for drivers. It is common for drivers to keep circling within a parking lot for a parking space. Study shows that in crowded area, such vehicles cause an average 30% of the traffic on the road. Real-time parking information can avoid vehicles being cruising on the roads. However, when the drivers are acquiring parking information, their privacy is inevitable to be disclosed. For example, some navigation applications, offered by Google and Apple, collect drivers' locations and destinations, which may reveal sensitive information about the drivers' personal lives. In this talk, a Cloud-based Privacy-preserving pARking Navigation system (CPARN) through vehicular communications is presented to minimize drivers’ hassle and preserve drivers' privacy. In this system, a cloud server guides drivers to vacant parking spaces close to their desired destinations without exposing the privacy of drivers, including drivers’ identities, preferences and routes. Specifically, CPARN allows drivers to query vacant parking spaces in an anonymous manner to a cloud server that maintains the parking information, and retrieve the protected navigation responses from the roadside units (RSUs) when the vehicles are passing through. CPARN has the advantage that it is unnecessary for a vehicle to keep connected with the queried roadside unit to ensure the retrievability of the navigation result, such that the navigation retrieving probability can be significantly improved. Further, an efficient encrypted data search approach based on Bloom Filter is presented to reduce response delay during the retrievability of navigation responses from RSUs, as well as save storage space at RSUs. In the end of this talk, we will show some directions in vehicular ad hoc networks that still deserve further investigations and efforts.


  Xiaodong Lin received the PhD degree in Information Engineering from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China, and the PhD degree (with Outstanding Achievement in Graduate Studies Award) in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Waterloo, Canada. He is currently a tenured associate professor with the Faculty of Business and Information Technology, University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT), Canada. His research interests include wireless communications and network security, computer forensics, software security, and applied cryptography. Dr. Lin serves as an Associate Editor for many international journals. He has served or is serving as a guest editor for many special issues of IEEE, Elsevier and Springer journals and as a symposium chair or track chair for IEEE/ACM conferences. He also served on many program committees. He currently serves as Chair of Communications and Information Security Technical Committee (CISTC) � IEEE Communications Society. He is a senior member of the IEEE.

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