


--- 2017年学术报告
<strong>A Random Walk of Network Science Research: Sub-modularity, Large Graphs Computation and File System Support</strong>

时间:2017年12月8日 上午10:00 地点:九龙湖计算机楼313


   In this talk, I will provide some motivation of some network science research problems, in particular, I will talk about how one can combine theory of sub-modularity and probabilistic counting data structures to information discovery and computation on large graphs. I will also discuss how one should re-design the file system support so as to provide a more efficient computation on network science problems.


  John C.S. Lui is currently the Choh-Ming Li Chair Professor in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from UCLA. His current research interests are in network sciences which have large data implications, machine learning on large data analytics, network/system security, network economics, cloud computing, large scale distributed systems and performance evaluation theory. John is an active consultant to industry, believing that it is an effective way to do technology transfer and a wonderful way to learn about real and relevant research problems. John is currrently the senior editor in the IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, and has been serving in the editorial board of ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems , IEEE Transactions on Network Science & Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Journal of Performance Evaluation. John served as the chairman of the CSE Department from 2005-2011. He received various departmental teaching awards and the CUHK Vice-Chancellor's Exemplary Teaching Award. John also received the CUHK Faculty of Engineering Research Excellence Award (2011-2012). John is a co-recipient of the best paper award in the IFIP WG 7.3 Performance 2005, IEEE/IFIP NOMS 2006, SIMPLEX 2013, and ACM RecSys 2017. He is an elected member of the IFIP WG 7.3, Fellow of ACM, Fellow of IEEE, Senior Research Fellow of the Croucher Foundation and was the past chair of the ACM SIGMETRICS (2011-2015). His personal interests include films and general reading.

东南大学计算机网络和信息集成教育部重点实验室 版权所有