


--- 2018年学术报告
Halcolu Data Science Institute: Connecting the Dots for a Better Science, Society, and Living

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We live in a world of data from Twitter feeds to gene sequences affecting pretty much all aspects of our lives. This has got a number of communities excited about possibilities that pervasive data and its use can bring about, leading to a tremendous rise in new programs and institutes in "Data Science". Yet, data has always been with us and has played a central role in scientific discovery. This talk makes the case that there, indeed, are changes brought about by the ubiquity, scale of data and advances in processing of data that enables us to use data in ways not previously imaginable.

Starting with a bit of historical perspective, I plan to walk you through our thinking on the emerging discipline of Data Science, its constituent subjects and institutional planning over a period of four years that led to the establishment of a Data Science Institute at UC San Diego. The talk is as much about the subject area, prospective developments in the area as it is about academic institution building.  


Rajesh Gupta is director of the newly-created Halcolu Data Science Institute at UC San Diego, and he holds the Qualcomm Endowed Chair in Embedded Microsystems. His current research includes mobile computing and energy efficiency in embedded and cyber-physical devices and systems ranging from microprocessors to data centers and even buildings. Gupta develops computer architectures to optimize tradeoffs between key constraints of wireless systems, including battery life, the device small footprint, and available computer memory. He currently leads the NSF-funded MetroInsight project, using city-scale sensor data to improve the delivery of public services. Gupta is a Fellow of the IEEE and the Association of Computing Machinery.


东南大学计算机网络和信息集成教育部重点实验室 版权所有