


--- 2018年学术报告
<strong>Why is Current Cybersecurity so Important and Eyes-Catching in the Research Communities? Data Privacy and System Security and ITIL for Banking & Financial Services Industry as a Supporting Case</strong>

时间:2018年12月7日 下午14:00 地点:九龙湖计算机楼313


  We use the banking & financial services industry as a case to demonstrate the critical importance of cybersecurity in the modern societies. With increased exposure to vulnerabilities to cloud computing infrastructure, increased chances of cyber-attacks, and more sophisticated technologies used for attacks to disrupt business operation; cloud security has become prime concerns for the banking and financial services industry. Banking and financial services industry compete to provide uninterrupted services to both client and employees; any downtime of system leads directly to loss of employee productivity, loss of market reputation, poor customer experience and loss of revenue. With cloud computing architecture security becoming a part of risk and governance for banks and financial services, implementing the measure to control and monitor the security policies requires constant investment and provision in budget. We have identified various issues and challenges faced by banking and financial services industry and discussed the importance of security governance framework required for banking and financial services industry.


   J.Yong0815 large Dr Jianming Yong is a full Professor in the discipline of information systems, School of Management & Enterprise, University of Southern Queensland, Australia. His research interests include cloud computing and cyber security. He has edited 14 journal issues/research books/conference proceedings; published over 130 refereed research papers including many journal papers in top ICT outlets, such as IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, Information Sciences, Knowledge-Based Systems, IEEE Transaction on Automation Science and Engineering, etc. which have a significant impact on ICT research and development over cyber security and cloud computing. He has participated in American NSF, and European Union research projects. He is also a member of IEEE and its computer society for over 20 years.

东南大学计算机网络和信息集成教育部重点实验室 版权所有