


--- 2010年学术报告
Networking Graduate Research Program at Computer Science

时间:2010年9月3日 地点:九龙湖校区计算机楼301室


    This talk will cover many topics such as IPTV inhome distribution(Multihop wireless or multilink wired backbone, Highspeed, shortrange inroom wireless access), IPTV service provisioning(P2P IPTV, VoD and NAT support Mobile Social Networks, Networked virtual community), Wireless sensor networks(Topology control, Mobile elements) and Vehicular ad hoc networks (Network connectivity).


    Yanyan Zhuang now is a Ph.D candidate in University of Victoria,Department of Computer Science. She received M.E. degree from School of computer science and engineering in Southeast University in 2008. Her research area is in computer networks, especially in wireless communications and technologies. Currently, Her research focus is on the theoretical analysis of time/location-critical emergency message dissemination in vehicular networks. She has published many papers in refereed international journals and conference proceedings including INFOCOM, ICC, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, MobiCom Workshop, ICDCS etc in two years.

东南大学计算机网络和信息集成教育部重点实验室 版权所有