


报告题目: 基于人工智能与多模态神经影像的脑疾病生物标记挖掘及其应用

报告时间:20201027 09:00-10:30

腾讯会议 ID334 972 347


中文摘要: 多模态神经影像已成为脑科学研究不可或缺的工具。本报告面向脑疾病与人工智能的交叉学科前沿,将介绍两大类基于数据驱动的多模态影像学标记检测方法及其临床应用。1) 系统介绍基于独立成分分析的有监督多模态MRI融合技术,以及如何基于该技术发现精神分裂症的认知损伤标记、抑郁症的影像遗传学共变和多种精神疾病与精神分裂症存在共病的潜在神经基础。2) 如何基于多种模式识别技术构建基于磁共振影像组学的精神疾病辅助诊断系统,为抑郁症的早期诊断和疗效预测提供人工智能赋能。

TitleIdentifying Multimodal Neuroimaging Biomarkers for Mental Disorders: Methods and Applications

Abstract: It is becoming increasingly clear that complement and exploit the richness of multimodal neuroimaging data is a promising avenue to identify objective biomarkers for mental disorders, which may improve our understanding of the pathophysiology, and thus lead to more appropriate clinical care. This talk will introduce two kinds of data-driven methods on identifying neuroimaging biomarkers: 1) An ICA-based, supervised multimodal data fusion technique. We will give three examples of using multimodal information to a) guide detection of potential cognitive neuromarkers of schizophrenia, b) discover a covarying miR132-brain-cognition pathway in major depression, and c) explore the relevance of transdiagnostic shared networks in multiple disorders to the severity of symptoms and cognitive deficits in schizophrenia. 2) How to build individualized prediction models based on neuroimaging data with multiple pattern recognition techniques, which may provide more clues and capability to facilitate early diagnosis and treatment outcome prediction for mental illnesses.

报告专家:隋婧,国家**,中国科学院自动化研究所模式识别国家重点实验室研究员、博导、中国科学院大学岗位教授、中国科学院院级优秀人才。中国图象图形学会石青云女青年科学家奖获得者,IEEE 高级会员。2007年在北京理工大学获得博士学位,2007-2013年在美国The Mind Research Network工作, 2013年回国加入中科院自动化研究所。目前在本领域知名期刊或国际会议上共发表论文200余篇,其中在Nature Communications, Biological Psychiatry, JAMA Psychiatry, Brain等权威期刊发表SCI论文102篇。2020年起受邀担任期刊Hum Brain Mapp副主编(Associate Editor)

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