谢菲尔德大学 Rod Hose 荣誉教授给我院师生做学术报告


应中法生物医学信息研究中心和江苏省医学信息处理国际合作联合实验室邀请,11月23日(周二)20:00 -22:00谢菲尔德大学 Rod Hose 荣誉教授给我院师生做学术报告,具体情况如下: 


The Virtual Physiological Human Initiative and Simple Physiological Models for Clinical Decision Support 

报告人:谢菲尔德大学 Rod Hose 荣誉教授 

时间:2021年11月23日(周二)20:00 -22:00 



zoom会议ID:990 8668 8130,密码:525143


I will review briefly the aims and objectives of the Virtual Physiological Human initiative, and look at the features required for adoption of modelling tools in clinical decision support. Multiscale and multi-physics models have become increasingly popular and can provide great insight, but I will make the case that even simple physiological models can be diagnostic and predictive and/or can improve our understanding of (patho)physiology. I will review some of the challenges associated with personalisation and interpretation of local and systems models for the purposes of clinical decision support. I will introduce, review and discuss current challenges in applications in: 1).coronary Fractional Flow Reserve from angiographic images,2).heart valve disease (the EurValve project). I will explore some of the issues of assimilation and interpretation of the data that is likely to be available in a normal clinical pathway, and some of the computational requirements to underpin model development and delivery.


Rod Hose is Emeritus Professor in the Department of Infection, Immunity and Cardiovasular Disease at the University of Sheffield. Prior to his retirement in 2020 he was concurrently Professor of Computational Biomechanics at the University of Sheffield and Professor of Computational Cardiovascular Physiology in the Department of Circulation and Biomedical Engineering at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU, Trondheim). In 2011 he was awarded Dr Honoris Causa by the technical University of Cluj Napoca. He has been associated with the Virtual Physiological Human initiative since its inception, was a co-author of the White Paper that launched it and served on the first Board of Directors of the VPH Institute (www.vph-institute.org). He has served as scientific co-ordinator of major international projects in this domain. His early career was in the aeronautical industry before joining academia, firstly in aircraft structural mechanics and then, in 1994, translating to medical physics. His primary research interests are in cardiovascular modelling, especially for coronary artery disease and for heart valve disease.

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