法国国家科学院院长 Patrick Flandrin 院士给我院师生做学术报告


应 计软智学院 邀请,6月4日(周六)下午17:00 - 18:00, Patrick Flandrin 院士 给我院师生做学术报告,具体情况如下:


Drawing sounds, listening to images — The art of time-frequency analysis  

报告人:Patrick Flandrin,法兰西科学院院长,里昂高等师范学院教授  
时间:2022年6月4日,17:00 - 18:00  
地点:东南大学九龙湖校区教三 105 

摘要:Dealing with data in a well-adapted representation space is a key for understanding, modifying or compressing observed signals. In nonstationary situations where spectral features are considered as varying over time, combining the—usual but mutually exclusive—time and frequency variables offers such a natural framework which formalizes the intuitive idea of a musical score. Sounds are transformed this way as readable images in a joint time-frequency plane and, conversely, time-frequency patterns can be turned into audible waveforms. As it is the rule in signal processing, with the Fourier analysis as the most prominent example in a stationary setting, the ‘art of time-frequency analysis’ is to design and use meaningful, well-defined and efficient tools which lie at the intersection of physics, applied mathematics and computer science, even when stationarity does not hold anymore. In this lecture, basics of classical time-frequency analyses will be briefly recalled, and recent advances related respectively to varying frequencies, localized oscillations and possibly non-harmonic modes will be discussed more specifically, as three ways of going beyond the classical Fourier analysis whose publication is just celebrating this year its 200th anniversary. 


报告人简历:Patrick Flandrin教授,法兰西科学院院士、法国里昂高等师范学院教授、法国科学研究中心主任研究员。现任法兰西科学院院长、IEEE 会士、欧洲信号处理学会会士20092019年,担任法国信号和图像处理协会主席。长期致力于信息与信号处理方面研究工作,在非平稳信号时频分析、多分辨率小波分析等领域取得了卓越成就和重要贡献。曾获国际光学工程学会小波先驱奖IEEE信号处理学会技术成就奖 法国国家科学研究中心银奖、法国荣誉军团骑士勋章等重要奖项。发表相关学术论文300余篇,并撰写了多本专著,如《时频分析探索》(剑桥大学出版社,2018)

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