李博睿 (Borui Li)


李博睿(Borui Li@SEU)

DiTing (Data FusIon and IoT IntelliGence) Lab

School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University

Address: Room 508, Building of Computer Science, Jiulonghu Campus, Southeast University, Nanjing

Email: libr at seu dot edu dot cn

更多科研最新进展,请移步我的个人主页 (https://www.liborui.cn/)

For more details, please refer to my homepage


物联网系统(IoT System)、机器学习系统(MLSys)、边缘计算(Edge Computing)、服务器无感知计算(Serverless Computing)、WebAssembly等

欢迎对机器学习算法的系统级支持、边缘智能、物联网系统等相关方向的研究感兴趣的本科生与研究生联系我们谛听DiTing物联网实验室(Data FusIon and ioT INtelliGence Lab)!实验室主页请移步这里

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Let's do something cool together!


李博睿,讲师,硕士生导师。2022年9月于浙江大学计算机科学与技术学院获工学博士学位,师从董玮教授。2022年11月至今,任职于东南大学计算机科学与工程学院。在计算机网络与系统相关领域的国际顶级会议与期刊上(包括IEEE Trans. on ComputersUSENIX NSDIIEEE INFOCOMACM MobiSys等)发表论文十余篇。受邀担任国际著名会议IEEE MSN 2023、ACM MobiSys 2023 (Artifact Evaluation)程序委员会委员,国际著名期刊IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing、IEEE Internet of Things Journal等的审稿人。曾获2023年度ACM Hangzhou Chapter优秀博士论文奖,指导学生获得挑战杯国家三等奖。



  1. Borui Li, Wei Dong. Edge-centric Programming for IoT Applications with Automatic Code Partitioning. IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC), 2022[TH-CPL A,  CCF A]

  2. 李博睿董玮高艺刘彦玮物联网软件低代码开发中国计算机学会通讯, 2022. [CCF 旗舰刊物]

  3. Borui Li, Wei Dong. Automatic Generation of IoT Device Platforms with AutoLink. IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IoTJ), 2021[中科院 SCI-Q1]
  4. Borui Li, Wei Dong, Gaoyang Guan, Jiadong Zhang, Tao Gu, Jiajun Bu, Yi Gao. Queec: QoE-aware Edge Computing for IoT Devices under Dynamic Workloads. ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN), 2021[TH-CPL BCCF B]
  5. Wei Dong, Borui Li, Gaoyang Guan, Zhihao Cheng, Jiadong Zhang, Yi Gao. TinyLink: A Holistic System for Rapid Development of IoT Applications. ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN), 2020. [TH-CPL BCCF B]


  1. Wei Dong, Borui Li (co-primary authors), Haoyu Li, Hao Wu, Kaijie Gong, Wenzhao Zhang, Yi Gao. LinkLab 2.0: A multi-tenant programmable IoT testbed for experimentation with edge-cloud integration. USENIX NSDI 2023[TH-CPL A,  CCF A]

  2. Yeming Li, Jiamei Lv, Borui Li, and Wei Dong, RT-BLE: Real-time Multi-Connection Scheduling for Bluetooth Low Energy. IEEE INFOCOM 2023. [TH-CPL A,  CCF A]

  3. Chengqing Zhao, Borui Li*, Shuai Wang, Tian He, The First Measurement Study of Target Wake Time Mechanism in 802.11ax on COTS Devices. IEEE ICC 2023.[TH-CPL B, CCF C]

  4. Borui Li, Hongchang Fan, Yi Gao, Wei Dong. Bringing WebAssembly to Resource- constrained IoT Devices for Seamless Device-Cloud Integration. ACM MobiSys 2022[TH-CPL ACCF B]

  5. Borui Li, Wei Dong, Yi Gao. WiProg: A WebAssembly-based Approach to Integrated IoT Programming. IEEE INFOCOM 2021[TH-CPL A,  CCF A]

  6. Borui Li, Chenghao Tong, Wei Dong, Yi Gao. S2: a Small Delta and Small Memory Differencing Algorithm for Reprogramming Resource-constrained IoT Devices. IEEE INFOCOM 2021, Posters and Demos[短文, TH-CPL ACCF A]
  7. Borui Li, Hongchang Fan, Yi Gao, Wei Dong. ThingSpire OS: a WebAssembly-based IoT Operating System for Cloud-Edge Integration. ACM MobiSys 2021, Posters and Demos[短文, TH-CPL ACCF B]

  8. Borui Li, Wei Dong. EdgeProg: Edge-centric Programming for IoT Applications. IEEE ICDCS 2020[TH-CPL BCCF B]

  9. Gaoyang Guan, Borui Li, Yi Gao, Yuxuan Zhang, Jiajun Bu, and Wei Dong, TinyLink 2.0: Integrating Device, Cloud, and Client Development for IoT Applications, ACM MobiCom 2020. [TH-CPL A, CCF A]


  • Program Committee: IEEE MSN 2023, ACM MobiSys 2023 (Artifact Evaluation)

  • Reviewer: IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, etc.

  • 联系方式
  • 通信地址:南京市江宁区东南大学路2号东南大学九龙湖校区计算机学院
  • 邮政编码:211189
  • ​办公地点:东南大学九龙湖校区计算机楼
  • 学院微信公众号