I think, therefore I am: Quantifier-free term-modal logic with assignments


报告人:魏宇 华东师范大学



报告摘要:In standard modal logic, the names and the existence of (groups of) agents are usually assumed to be common knowledge implicitly. This is unreasonable for various applications in computer science and philosophy. In this talk, inspired by term-modal logic and dynamic logic, I introduce a lightweight modal predicate logic where names can be non-rigid, and the existence of agents can be uncertain. The language can handle various de dicto/de re distinctions in a natural way. It is based on a joint project with Yanjing Wang and Jeremy Seligman.

报告人简介:魏宇,本科毕业于东南大学数学系,博士毕业于北京大学哲学系逻辑学专业, 现为华东师范大学哲学系晨晖学者、讲师,入选上海市人才计划。在Annals of Pure and Applied Logic、Erkenntnis、《逻辑学研究》等期刊发表论文多篇。主要研究兴趣是模态逻辑及其在哲学中的应用。

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