


Distributed Intelligence and Social Computing (DISC) Laboratory

School of Computer Science and Engineering

Southeast University

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Chao Fei




I received my BS degree in school of computer science and engineering from Southeast University(SEU), Nanjing, China, 2012. I am currently pursuing the master's degree at the Distributed Intelligence and Social Computing (DISC) Laboratory , school of Computer Science and Engineering at Southeast University. Now I am focusing on task allocation in Social networks. The motivation of my reserach is mainly to utilize the technology of multi-agent systems to solve the task allocation problems in social networks.





Task allocation in social networks

Load balancing in multi-agent systems


Contact Me




Room 534, Computer Building,

Jiulonghu Campus of Southeast University

Email: seufc1991@gmail.com









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  • 邮政编码:211189
  • ​办公地点:东南大学九龙湖校区计算机楼
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