


--- 2011年学术报告
Intelligent Interactive System for Energy Conservation

时间:2011年8月23日 地点:九龙湖校区计算机楼302室


    Designing an effective and efficient intelligent interactive system for energy conservation in domestic environment requires considerable deliberations on tradeoffs of meeting the criteria derived from human-machine interaction and reasoning mechanism, so the system can provide the users with right information based on right decisions at right time. In this talk, I will report a mixed initiative intelligent system that employs multi-modal sensor system, context awareness model, semantics, and service-oriented architecture to provide real-time energy consumption information and recommendations for positive behaviour change on households' energy consumption. The system adopts concept of On-Line Analytical Process (OLAP) to summarise large volume of data generated from energy consumption monitoring sensors into a set of meaningful information for the intelligent system to reason. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is used to model hardware and software components, so they can be composed flexibly to meet the user and system requests. The system is currently deployed in around 250 households across Europe for evaluation. Households' feedbacks are encouraging.


    Professor Kuo Ming Chao's research areas are distributed computing architecture design and applications in low-carbon building and manufacturing, in which he has 140 publications, served as a member of program committees or panellists for over 50 international conferences. He is the Co-founder and Managing Editor of Journal of Service Oriented Computing and Applications (Springer). He is leading or involved in a number of European projects in the areas of ICT for energy-efficient applications. He has also involved in a number of the UK DTI funded and international collaborative funded projects. He is an IT consultant to commercial companies.

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