


--- 2011年学术报告
Techniques for Improving Resilience and Trust in Network Monitoring

时间:2011年10月24日 地点:九龙湖校区计算机楼313室


    An alarming trend is the increasing number of attacks against computer networks such as the Internet, and also the complexity of those attacks, and so monitoring for anomalous traffic behaviour has become essential. Most network monitors have limited resources that can be rapidly exhausted by network attacks such as distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. Monitoring is also used to establish trust among nodes in a network, and a related class of attacks include those that seek to compromise the trust levels of specific network elements. This is particularly pertinent to the nodes in distributed wireless networks where detection and elimination of selfish behaviour helps to extend the useful lifetime of the network. This presentation will consider a range of techniques that can be used to detect the attack strategies, and provide resilience against various attacks aimed at disrupting the operation of today's networks.


    Professor Alan Marshall holds the chair in Telecommunications Engineering and Networks at the Queen's University Belfast where he is director of the Advanced Networks Group. He is a senior member of IEEE, a member of ComSoc, IFIP TPC6, and a Fellow of the IET. He has spent over 24 years working in the Telecommunications and Defence Industries. He has been active on national committees making recommendations on future directions for Telecommunications in Northern Ireland and the UK, He has published over 200 scientific papers and holds a number of joint patents in the areas of communications and network security. He has formed a successful spin-out company Traffic Observation & Management (TOM) Ltd specialising in intrusion detection & prevention for wireless networks. His research interests include Network architectures and protocols; Mobile and Wireless networks; Network Security; high-speed packet switching, Quality of service (QoS) architectures; and Distributed Haptics.

东南大学计算机网络和信息集成教育部重点实验室 版权所有