


--- 2012年学术报告
Social Networks

时间:2012年5月24日 地点:九龙湖校区计算机楼313室


    In this paper we consider the problem of maximizing information propagation in social networks. To solve it, we introduce a probabilistic maximum coverage problem, and further propose a cluster-based heuristic and a neighborhood removal heuristic for two basic diffusion models, namely, the Linear Threshold Model and the Independent Cascade Model, respectively. Our proposed strategies are compared with the pure greedy algorithm and centrality-based schemes via experiments on large collaboration networks. We find that our proposed algorithms perform better than centrality-based schemes and achieve approximately the same performance as the greedy algorithm. Moreover, the computational load is significantly reduced compared with the greedy heuristic.


    Victor O.K. Li received SB, SM, EE and ScD degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT in 1977, 1979, 1980, and 1981, respectively. He is Associate Dean of Engineering and Chair Professor of Information Engineering at the University of Hong Kong (HKU). He has also served as Managing Director of Versitech Ltd., the technology transfer and commercial arm of HKU, and is now serving on the boards of Sunevision Holdings Ltd. and China.com Ltd listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Previously, he was Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Southern California (USC), Los Angeles, California, USA, and Director of the USC Communication Sciences Institute. Sought by government, industry, and academic organizations, he has lectured and consulted extensively around the world. He has received numerous awards, including the PRC Ministry of Education Changjiang Chair Professorship at Tsinghua University, the UK Royal Academy of Engineering Senior Visiting Fellowship in Communications, the Croucher Foundation Senior Research Fellowship, and the Order of the Bronze Bauhinia Star, Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China. He is a Registered Professional Engineer and a Fellow of the IEEE, the IAE, and the HKIE.

东南大学计算机网络和信息集成教育部重点实验室 版权所有