


--- 2013年学术报告
Network Interface Virtualization: Challenges and Solutions

时间:2013年3月25日 地点:九龙湖校区计算机楼313室


    Recently Computer Virtualization has become an important technology in nearly every large organization's IT infrastructure. At its core, computer virtualization allows a single physical machine to be split into several Virtual Machines (VMs). Through the use of VMs, organizations can decrease operational costs through server consolidation and better utilization of computational resources. VMs also allows organizations to outsource their computational requirements to utility computing platforms such as cloud computing. The benefit of computer virtualization comes together with overhead, affecting virtually every subsystem, particularly the network subsystem that involves both hardware and software components and both local and remote accesses. This talk will offer an intuitive understanding of state-of-the-art software-based virtual network interfaces and the causes of virtualization overhead through both system analysis and real experiments. We will use TCP-based Denial-of-Service attack and Dropbox file synchronization as cases to illustrate the impact. We will further discuss the recent hardware advances in this field as well as the challenges yet to be addressed.


    刘江川于1999年以优等荣誉毕业于清华大学计算机系,同年由国家教育部选派赴香港科技大学学习,并于2003年获得博士学位,随即加入香港中文大学计算机系任助理教授,现为加拿大Simon Fraser University计算机系副教授。 他的研究方向包括多媒体通信,无线网络,对等网络,社交网络,虚拟机及云计算。他是IEEE高级会员和Sigma Xi会员。他曾担任IEEE Transactions on Multimedia和IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials的编辑。 他是香港地区第一位微软学者(2000),并获得2003年香港青年科学家奖和2009年加拿大国家科学与工程基金会DAS奖。他曾多次获得国际会议和期刊最佳论文奖,包括2009年IEEE通信分会多媒体通信最佳论文奖,IEEE Globecom'2011最佳论文奖,和ACM Multimedia'2012最佳论文奖。他的学生曾两度获得IEEE/ACM IWQoS最佳学生论文奖 (2008及2012年)。他发表于IEEE INFOCOM'2005关于Coolstreaming系统的文章是过去10年INFOCOM引用率最高的文章 (1600余次)。他的论文总引用数超过5500次。

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