


--- 2013年学术报告
On-Demand Charging in Wireless Sensor Networks: Theories and Applications

时间:2013年10月17日 地点:九龙湖校区计算机学院三楼会议室


    Recently, adopting mobile energy chargers to replenish the energy supply of sensor nodes in wireless sensor networks has gained increasing attention from the research community. The utilization of the mobile energy chargers provides a more reliable energy supply than the systems that harvested dynamic energy from the surrounding environment. While pioneering works on the mobile recharging problem mainly focus on the optimal offline path planning for the mobile chargers, in this work, we aim to lay the theoretical foundation for the on- demand mobile charging problem, where individual sensor nodes request charging from the mobile charger when their energy runs low. Specifically, in this work we analyze the on-demand mobile charging problem using a simple but efficient Nearest-Job- Next with Preemption (NJNP) discipline for the mobile charger, and provide analytical results on the system throughput and charging latency from the perspectives of the mobile charger and individual sensor nodes, respectively. To demonstrate how the actual system design can benefit from our analytical results, we present an example on determining the optimal remaining energy level for individual sensor nodes to send out their recharging requests. Through extensive simulation with real-world system settings, we verify our analysis matches the simulation results well and the system designs based on our analysis are effective.


    何亮,博士,2011年毕业南开大学获博士学位,2009-2011年在加拿大维多利亚大学做访问学者,现为新加坡科 技设计大学博士后,主要研究方向能量高效的空间物理系统、无线可充电传感器网络、传感器网络中移动性管理。现担任IEEE GlobeCom等多个会议的程序委员会成员和多个学术期刊的审稿人。在IEEE Transactions on Computers、Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems、Transactions on Mobile Computing、InfoCom、MASS、GlobeCom和ICC等国际期刊和学术会议上发表论文20余篇,曾获GlobeCom'11最佳论文 奖等学术奖励。

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