


--- 2013年学术报告
Pervasive Technologies for Depression Early Stage Prediction and Intervention (PerDESPI)

时间:2013年11月4日 地点:九龙湖校区计算机楼313室


     Mental disease is one of the greatest personal, societal and economic problems of the modern world. With mental health care already representing over a third of the cost of health care in the EU, health services struggle to keep up. The most common of all mental disorders is Depression, a disease that causes immense individual and family suffering. The goal of the research is to contribute to the prevention of Depression. PerDESPI aims to develop pervasive technologies to monitor subjects' physiological and cognitive state in their natural environment. These include wearable sensors to measure EEG, ECG, physical activity and sleep; tools for voice analysis (depression is associated with changes in voice tone) and activities. It also concentrates innovative solutions, e.g. Computer Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, which may intervene in Depression effectively.


     胡斌 教授,******;现任兰州大学信息科学与工程学院院长;IET Fellow;中国计算机学会协同计算分会主任;教育部计算机学科教指委委员;国家自然科学基金委信息科学部计算机科学专家评审组成员;ACM中国分会执 行委员;国际社会神经科学中国分会理事,Web Intelligence Consortium (WIC)中国分会理事;瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院客座教授等。主要研究领域为普适计算、心理生理计算、协同工作技术和语义网。

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