


--- 2013年学术报告
A Simulation Model of Risk Mitigation of Software Project

时间:2013年11月13日 地点:九龙湖校区计算机学院三楼会议室


    Risk management is a routine activity in software project management. Risk mitigation is essential for risk management because it can reduce or eliminate risks. A good risk mitigation strategy aims to make the best use of resources and reduces the project risk as much as possible. A simulation model for risk management process can facilitate practitioners in risk management in many aspects, such as understanding of risk management process, predicting risk management outcome, and making informed risk management decision. However the modeling and simulation for software project risk management process is quite limited. We present a stochastic simulation model with due consideration of time elements which have not been explicitly modeled. We also propose a new scheduling strategy, Greedy strategy, for risk mitigation. Using the simulation model, we compare the performance of Greedy strategy with existing scheduling strategies, and compare the performance of all identified scheduling strategies with the Random strategy. The results show that the proposed strategy has a better performance than existing strategies, and all existing strategies and Greedy strategy perform better than the Random strategy.


    Dr Hareton Leung is an associate professor of Department of Computing and Director of the Laboratory for Software Development and Management at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. A fellow of Hong Kong Computer Society, he serves as the chairperson of the Quality Management Special Interest Division and was the former chairperson of Hong Kong Software Process Improvement Network. Prior to joining HK PolyU, Dr. Leung held team leader positions at BNR, Nortel, and GeneralSoft Ltd. He is a well-recognized researcher in software testing and quality improvement. His research areas include software metrics, software testing, project management, risk management and process improvement. He is also an accomplished industry consultant. His clients over the past 15 years have included large and medium-sized organizations and government departments throughout Hong Kong and China, such as Hong Kong Jockey Club, Ocean Park, Housing Authority, Social Welfare Dept, MPFA, OGCIO, MTR, HIT, Intellectual Property Department, VTech, Hong Kong Productivity Council, AIA Shanghai, and Chinese Academy of Science.

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