


--- 2016年学术报告
<strong>Advances in machine learning based omics</strong>

时间:2016年7月14日下午14:30 地点:九龙湖校区计算机楼313


   This talk will bring up some trials in using machine learning techniques to uncover patterns in genomics and proteomics. One is detecting cancer types from sequence data of gene expressions. The other one is identifying positive pairs between proteins in pathogens and hosts. The later would become a basics for epigenomics. The talk will cover basic problem formulations, possible solutions and results so far, it will also outlook future research directions. The related works have been published in IEEE Big Data Congress. The presenter would also invite ideas from the floor on how to reduce dimensionality and improve the computation efficiency, probably with the help of cloud computing etc.


  沈俊博士现为澳大利亚伍伦贡大学(世界排名2%)计算机和信息技术系副教授,曾任该系研究和学位委员会主席。沈俊副教授的研究涵盖服务计算,云计算,计算智能,大数据和先进教育领域,已发表国际有影响论文120余篇,h-index为16, i-10为28;现任七家国际学术杂志的副主编或编委,曾担任六次国际会议的大会程序主席,已被40多家一流杂志邀请审稿计100多次,已担任国际会议程序委员或领域主席累计200多次;且作为主要完成人承担各类科研项目16项。沈俊副教授现为国际信息和计算机顶级学会 AIS/ACM共同组织的信息系统硕士学位课程改革的工作组成员,该工作组将于2016年末发布最新的信息系统课程全球标准。沈俊博士现为IEEE,ACM和ACS等三个组织的高级会员 。

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