


--- 2017年学术报告
<strong>Fog Computing in Cyber-physical Systems and Security</strong>

时间:2017年5月25日上午10:30 - 11:30 地点:九龙湖计算机楼2楼会议室213


   In this talk, we will discuss research challenges and opportunities of Fog Computing in Cyber-physical Systems and Security and present several case studies. We will first present an innovative Real-time In-situ Seismic Imaging (RISI) system design with fog computing. It is a smart sensor network that senses and computes the 3D subsurface imaging in real-time and continuously. Instead of data collection then post processing, the mesh network performs the distributed data processing and tomographic inversion computing under the severe bandwidth and resource constraints, and generates an evolving 3D subsurface image as more data arrives. A RISI system is essentially a “Subsurface Camera” that is a groundbreaking technology and has never been attempted before. We will then discuss smart grid informatics and security research and opportunities. With the integration of advanced computing and communication technologies, Smart Grid holds the promise as the next-generation energy critical infrastructure - efficient, resilient and sustainable. To achieve that end, significant research challenges and opportunities need to be addressed. Our research spans several important topics such as security attacks and countermeasures, topology/fault identification and restoration, demand response and real-time pricing, and microgrid testbed and cooperative controls.


  Dr. WenZhan Song is the Georgia Power Mickey A. Brown Professor of Engineering in the University of Georgia. Dr. Song's research focus on cyber-physical systems and security and its application in energy, environment and health applications, where decentralized sensing, computing, communication and security play a critical role and need a transformative study. He is a pioneer of Fog Computing and the inventor of Subsurface Camera Technology. "Subsurface Camera" technology is a groundbreaking technology with vast application in energy and environment applications and has never been attempted before. Dr. Song has an outstanding record of leading large multidisciplinary research projects on those issues with multi-million grant support from NSF, NASA, USGS, and industry, and his research was featured in MIT Technology Review, Network World, Scientific America, New Scientist, National Geographic, etc. Dr. Song is a recipient of NSF CAREER Award (2010), Outstanding Research Contribution Award (2012) at GSU, Chancellor Research Excellence Award (2010) at WSU. Dr. Song serves many premium conferences and journals as editor, chair or TPC member. He is also an inaugural member of OpenFog consortium involving industry and academic leaders. Dr. Song is the founder of Intelligent Dots technologies. 宋文战,美国佐治亚大学(University of Georgia)物联网研究中心主任,讲席终身教授(Chair Professor),博士生导师。宋教授是国际杰出的物联网和智能电网专家, 是雾计算(Fog Computing)的先行者和地质照相技术(Subsurface Camera)的开创者。地质照相技术是一项填补国际空白的开创性技术,融合物联网雾计算和地球物理等高科技实现对地下构造实时成像,在油气能源、土木和环境工程等领域有重要应用,影响非常深远。宋教授致力于物联网在能源、环境和健康领域的应用研究,得到美国研究机构和工业届的广泛资助与合作,包括NSF(美国国家自然科学基金), NASA(美国宇航局), USGS(美国地质调查局),Boeing(美国波音公司),Southern Company (美国南方电网公司)等。研究成果为世界主流科学媒体所报道,包括MIT Technology Review, Network World, Scientific America, New Scientist, National Geographic等。在顶级国际会议和杂志上发表很多高质量高影响论文且多次获得最佳论文奖,并受邀在诸多重要国际会议、知名院校和高科技公司演讲,是目前国际物联网领域最知名的学者之一。 宋文战教授也是多个重要国际学术期刊(如TPDS)的编委和众多国际会议(如 InfoCom, ICC, GlobeCom)的评审委员。宋文战教授2010年获美国国家自然科学 基金杰青奖(NSF Career Award)和 华盛顿州立大学杰出研究奖(Chancellor Research Excellence Award), 2012年获佐治亚州立大学杰出研究奖(Outstanding Research Contribution Award)。宋教授与美国政府和工业届有着非常广泛的联系,也是OpenFog Consortium的Inaugural Member,该组织致力于物联网雾计算技术国际标准的制定和发展。

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