


--- 2017年学术报告
<strong>Visual Infrastructure based Accurate Object Recognition and Localization</strong>

时间:2017年6月16日下午15:00 地点:九龙湖计算机楼313


   Visual infrastructure, consisting of connected visual sensors, has been extensively deployed and serving various important applications, such as safety surveillance, health monitoring and mobile system navigation. However, there are still many remaining problems due to visual sensing model irregularity, image processing complexity, and environmental noise etc. In this talk, we focus on the following three related problems: Visual infrastructure deployment: we propose local face-view barrier coverage, i.e. L-Faceview, a novel concept that achieves statistical barrier coverage in visual sensor networks leveraging mobile object's trajectory information. We derive a rigorous probability bound for this coverage via a feasible deployment pattern. Visual infrastructure based object recognition: we design and implement R-Focus, a platform with visual sensors that can detect and verify a person holding a mobile phone in proximity with the assistance of electronic sensors. R-Focus performs visual and electronic data collection and rotates based on the collected data. It integrates both visual and electronic data for accurate object recognition. Visual infrastructure based object localization: we design Flash-Loc, an accurate indoor localization system leveraging flashes of light to localize objects in areas with deployed visual infrastructure. Flash-Loc consists of three key mechanisms that distinguish objects while avoiding long irritating flashes: adaptive-length flash coding, pulse width modulation based flash generation, and image subtraction based flash localization. This talk will discuss the above techniques along with the system implementation and solutions to practical challenges.


  宣东(Dong Xuan):上海交通大学电子工程系学士和硕士、美国德克萨斯A&M大学博士;美国俄亥俄州立大学计算机科学和工程系教授;从事计算机网络、实时通信、机器人感知和控制、传感器网络、无线定位、电子/运动/视频信号融合和 信息安全等理论、技术研究和移动健康、电子视频监控等应用系统研发;已发表论文150 余篇,已有和正在申请相关专利10 余项;领导或参与领导由多项中、美自然科学基金会、中国科技部和香港创新基金等资助的科研项目;担任多个国际相关领域权威期刊编委和国际学术会议主席;曾获美国自然科学基金会杰出青年职业奖(NSF CAREER)。

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