


--- 2017年学术报告
<strong>Threats from 3D Computer Vision in Computer Security</strong>

时间:2017年6月16日下午14:00 地点:九龙湖计算机楼313


   In this talk, we introduce a computer vision-based attack using stereo cameras against authentication approaches for touch-enabled devices. In the attack, an attacker uses a stereo camera (such as one on the HTC Evo 3D smartphone) and takes a video of a victim entering passwords on the touch screen of the victim’s mobile device. We focus on challenging scenarios where the victim holds the device up and the attacker cannot see the victim’s fingertip or the device screen. Since the stereo camera provides depth and distance information of objects in video frames, we can build a 3D scene to analyze the victim’s hand movement and automatically recover the victim’s passcode. The 3D vision attack is stealthy in daily settings like a classroom or a coffee shop since the attacker does not need to take a suspicious angle and see the touch screen of the victim. Without loss of generality, we use graphical passwords as an example and perform extensive experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of the attack. The success rate of the 3D vision attack reaches 90% when the camera is across a table from a victim in a typical gathering scene.


  付新文博士是马萨诸塞大学洛厄尔分校(University of Massachusetts Lowell)计算机系教授,网络取证中心主任。他于1995年在中国西安交通大学获得电子工程学士学位,1998年在中国科技大学获得电子工程硕士学位,2005年在美国德克萨斯A&M大学获得计算机工程博士学位。他的主要研究方向为网 络安全与隐私,数字取证,信息保障,系统可靠性与网络QoS,无线网络。 付新文教授已在安全学术会议和期刊发表了100余篇研究论文,其中在IEEE S&P (Oakland),ACM CCS,ACM Mobihoc,IEEE INFOCOM以及ICDCS等 国际顶级会议以及 ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking (ToN),IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS),IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC),IEEE Transaction on Mobile Computing (TMC),IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (TVT)等国际期刊上发表论文数十篇。他撰写网络流量分析书籍1本,参与撰写相关网络安全书籍5本。 他在各种知名技术安全会议上发表演讲,包括Black Hat。在2005-2017年期间他的研究工作获得了10余个项目,2百多万美元的资助。他的研究被各大媒体报道,包括CNN, Wired, Huffington Post, Forbes, Yahoo, MIT Technology Review, PC Magazine。 他的研究也被录制成节目在电视台播放,包括CNN 美国和海外台,CCTV 10.

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