


--- 2018年学术报告
<strong>IoT Communication under Wireless Coexistence</strong>

时间:2018年8月20日 上午10:30 地点:九龙湖计算机楼313


  IoT devices have successfully percolated into people’s daily lives in many areas including smart home, healthcare, and intelligent transportation. However, IoT devices are now increasingly becoming victims of their own success. These coexisting devices are largely ignorant of each other which leads to operations that are non-cooperative, or even disruptive to each other. This talk focuses on novel IoT communication techniques to address this issue. I will first introduce a transparent design for harmonious wireless coexistence, which addresses the key issue of interference caused by heterogeneous IoT devices. The second part of the talk takes a step further in the aim to integrate these diverse IoT resources for cooperation. This is achieved by establishing direct communication between incompatible heterogeneous devices for explicit management and control. In addition to communication and networking, I will briefly introduce my past research related to big data analytics and large-scale cyber physical systems for smart cities.


   Dr. Shuai Wang received his PhD degree in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Minnesota in 2017. Shuai’s research interests include Cyber-Physical Systems, Internet of Things, Data Science, Networking and Communications. Shuai has published more than 23 papers, featuring 15 first-author papers in premium conferences/journals, e.g., MOBICOM, UBICOMP, SENSYS, INFOCOM, ICNP, BIGDATA, IMWUT, TON, TPDS, TOSN, TOC, TWC and TBD. More Info: https://www-users.cs.umn.edu/~wang3367/

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